Chapter 4

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Ananya Prasad

15 years ago....

My father had just taken over my grandfather's cloth shop, and he was planning to expand it.

We were not poor, but we were not rich. We used to be in a joint family. We had our own house and my father and my grandfather were planning to expand our clothing business into a full-fledged company.

Srikanth and Sharanya are twins. But, they are not at all close. Whereas Sharanya and I are super close.

The rift between my sister and me is caused by Golu. Golu, our neighbor's grandson is my brother's best friend in school. He always used to stay in our home and eat with us and play with us.

Golu is a chubby kid. He used to eat a lot. He has a sister, Bunny. They are not their actual names obviously. I don't remember their real names because no one used to call them with their names.

He just came to his grandparents' house last year because his parents are in the USA studying. They are both doctors.

Ever since he came, he and Srikanth were inseparable. Srikanth always finds it difficult to gel with us sisters because we always play in a play kitchen and with Barbie dolls. Srikanth likes to play with cars and dinosaurs. So we seldom played together.

I don't know what happened but suddenly, Golu and Sharanya got very close. My sister who used to spend all her time with me is not at all playing with me but is always together with Golu. I got very jealous and wanted to separate them so that Sharanya can come back to me.

I tried very hard to cause a rift between them. I am a very possessive person, you know. No matter what I do, they seemed to get even closer.

So I stopped trying but my hatred for Golu increased more. I used to pick fights with him for every small thing.

One day, I came back from my singing class to home in the evening, only to find Golu and Sharanya playing with building blocks and laughing. I was glaring at them when Golu looked at me and started teasing me "Hey Pinky!"

Everyone in my home calls me Pinky because apparently, I liked the pink color during my toddler days. I started hating that color ever since Golu started teasing me. Whenever he calls me Pinky, I feel that he is taunting me.

I told him rudely, "If you call me Pinky one more time I will kill you. Only my family can call me Pinky not outsiders"

He laughed cheekily and chanted, "Pinky, Pinky, Pinky, Pinky".

I started chasing him around the house to get hold of him and beat the daylights out of him, but he always outruns me

I got tired of running and sat on the couch panting. He smirked at me and came near to the couch and asked "Awww......My cute Pinky got tired?"

That irritated the hell out of me and I took the nearest object that came into my hand and stabbed him on his head.

Turns out that the object is a pen. Before I know what happened, I heard his scream and blood coming from his head.

In my defense, he irritated the hell out of me. And I was angry. And he took my sister from me.

Before you guys judge me, let me remind you that I was 9 years old.

And it's not even a serious wound. He just had one tiny stitch on his head.

Since then, my sister has stopped talking with me and started hating me.

And now, I can't believe my sister is marrying him. Whatever hope I had that she will talk to me, I lost it.

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