Chapter 6

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It didn't make sense to me. What possible gain would I have gotten from marrying Dream?

It was arduous to understand what led me to make the decision to marry someone I didn't know. Nonetheless marry the person that my whole country despised.

"Wilbur gave you an unfair choice. To decide between the lives of all your friends and marrying for peace for everyone," Dream explained, answering the question that was spiraling in my mind.

It was assuring to know that I had friends at least.

"Wilbur sounds like an absolute bitch."

Dream's laughter filled the chamber, echoing from wall to wall. "I couldn't agree more. You won't have to worry about getting your revenge at least, he is only a ghost now."

"If people can become ghosts after they die, why didn't I?"

I was unsure if I would've remembered being a ghost even if I was one but I had a feeling that I never went into that form.

Dream huffed a breath out preparing for what he was going to say next.

"I wish I could've counted the amount of times I asked myself that question. Wilbur died the same day as you and while I heard people rejoice about the new found discovery about the afterlife, I waited. I waited for you to come back to me," Dream trailed off as he relieved the memory, "I thought that maybe you were lost, so I went to your vacant cottage and waited there instead. I didn't leave until George and Sapnap had to drag me out as I laid there limp."

I didn't bother to ask him who George and Sapnap were, all of my focus was on his green eyes glossing over with emotion. I watched him look at the ceiling to hide that fact but it didn't matter because I already saw it.

Every part of my body wanted to get up and comfort him. I wanted to tell him it was all going to be okay and that I did come back to him. That I am here now and that is all that mattered.

But I didn't because with every thought in my head that wanted to be there for him was one that told me I didn't know who he was. A voice constantly whispering to me, yet it was louder than all the rest of my thoughts.

"So I asked Wilbur out of desperation and he told me that it was a choice to come back. He told me that if you declared you had unfinished business you would be sent back until it was completed."

I begged for my voice to come back to me. I wished to tell him that, that was a good thing. I died with a complete life but I could say nothing.

"That night I pleaded to you like an idiot. I tried to explain to you that you did indeed have unfinished business. That we were unfinished." Dream confessed to me.

I didn't know what made me think that my life was finished. I knew I couldn't offer him the answers he wanted.

I felt sympathy for him but I felt like a spectator to his hopeless love story. I didn't feel as though I was the other half to it. I couldn't agree or disagree with his statements, I was just there.

For a split second he looked into my eyes and we had a silent conversation. One where he understood all my unspoken words and didn't condemn me for not speaking them.

"Does the wall bother you?" My voice finally came back to me.

He paused long enough to look at the barrier that separated the two of us.

"The wall is more punishment to me than being in the prison itself but I understand. I'd like to believe that you will soon trust me enough for it to be down."

I didn't know if that was possible.

"Can I get one question," Dream hesitantly asked.


"Why don't you sleep?"

I didn't realize the possibility of what physical toll my body was taking from my insomnia. It was apparent enough to be noticed by Dream.

I could only imagine the dark circles prominent under my eyes pleading for me to let them disappear.

"We all have nightmares, mine just happen to haunt me before I am even asleep." I disclosed.

His face flashed with concern that wasn't for me. It was for the old (Y/n), the one he loved. I think he chooses to believe we are the same but we aren't.

When that part of me decided not to come back as a ghost, the same part decided not to come back as a human. I can't control that we happen to look identical.

I saw as he searched for any words of comfort to come to him but I left before he could say anything.

No need to try and heal a fatal wound.

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