6. What was Anna like?

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"Tell me more about your trip?" Beatrice asked eagerly. I knew her reasons for being so concerned but I'd never let her know until she was comfortable enough to tell me herself.

"Anna's parents are nice."

"I'm sure that's not all that happened, tell me something interesting?" She laughed but I didn't. I merely turned my eyes to Lewis who was on my lap.

"What was Anna like?" I questioned as curiosity got the best of me. It had been on my mind from the moment I had eavesdropped on Lord Hugh and his mother in law.

Beatrice turned to roll her eyes. "She was certainly not interesting enough to spend time discussing." She laughed, I laughed as well... a little awkwardly.

"She was... a nice girl, too nice. Oblivious about all the things her husband was constantly doing behind her back. It took her a while to fall pregnant. That really strained their marriage. Duchess was awful to her, so was Lady Victoria. Constantly picking at her insecurities. Time and again she'd leave the Armstrong's to go reside with her parents. Lord Hugh would apologise and promise her the stars and the moon, promise her he'd do better but he never did."

"That's horrendous." I muttered lowly. My heart felt heavy for someone I had never known. Lord Hugh was an awful person, with each passing day. I learnt many reasons as to why he was someone I should be mindful of. Beatrice certainly made it sound as if they had been together even in Anna's presence.

"You do not know Hugh, you're yet to learn."

That scared me to no end.

"What do you mean?"

"He see's everything as a conquest, as long as he gets what he wants. He couldn't be bothered by the people he hurts in the process." Beatrice sighed. "He has commitment issues."

"You seem to know so much about him?" I said it playfully. Beatrice smiled. "I do, he is... uhm I understand him. I'm the only person who understands him." I nodded, not knowing what to say to such a statement.

"What do you like about him?"

Beatrice grinned as if reminiscing.

"Many things, but I have to admit. His smile and eyes. If he wasn't who he is, things would be different."

"How different?"

"Oh don't mind me, I say mindless nonsense sometimes." She played it off.

As days went by, I saw more of Lord Hugh. He was concerned with Lewis and wanted to spend time with him. It made me glad that he had a change of heart. Lou loved when he was around, I could tell he adored his father's presence. We never spoke of the incidences that had occurred at Anna's home. I preferred it that way. I began to notice how Beatrice was not a housekeeper like I had thought but she seemed to be Duchess... helper? Wherever Duchess was, Beatrice was right behind holding her dress, opening doors, setting down her tea, holding Duchess dog, Augustus whom Duchess preferred to call 'Gus' — small with beady black eyes and fluffy white coat fur. It looked almost like a childlike toy. One thing, I was very sure about was Gus did not take a liking towards me. Every time, i made myself present, it barked a storm. Lewis would cry frightened by the abhorrent sound. At times I'd watch duchess whispering in Beatrice ear, as they watched me. It made me anxious, I felt unwanted and every thing I did was being watched.

"You remind me of someone... I can't quite put my finger on it." Lord Hugh's sister said out of the blue, she looked at me with distaste before she turned to Lewis. There were more and more whispers whenever I walked by. I did not feel as happy about this job, as I had been in the first place. With more passing days, I preferred to stay in my room but I couldn't deprive Lewis off the daily routine that duchess had instructed me to follow.

Things completely spiralled out of control, one day when Duchess told me to bring Lewis to her. Lord Hugh and Lady Victoria were present. I sidled imagine one corner as she took a look at Lewis.

"Have you noticed something odd about Lewis? I said it before and I will say it again."

"He is a child, mother." Lord Hugh made a banter not taking her seriously.

"This nose, this nose could never be something he took from the Armstrong's."

Lady Victory giggled at the comment putting her tea cup down. She went to stand behind her mother's extravagant Georgian couch. Lord Hugh's met mine, before we both looked away at anything but each other.

"It's very flat." Lady Victoria commented. "I still love him regardless."

Duchess handed Lewis back to me, with a look of disgust. "She fails to fall pregnant then when she does, she grants us one that has a nose that resembles a nigger. Do you see this Hugh?"

Standing up, Lord Hugh shrugged. "I do not understand how you both get pleasure from bullying a three month old. He is a child. Enough of this nonsense. Let's never speak of this again.

As time went by, I began to see it myself. Lewis suddenly became tanner. He reminded me of Christian Gallagher as a child. I was afraid for him and secrets, I had no knowledge of. Nothing made sense, there seemed to be a missing puzzle.

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