Chapter 5: First day in the ninja academy

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After 7 years•

🍅 At The uchiha main house 🍅

Sasuke P.O.V

"Ototou" Itachi called, trying to wake his little brother up

"Ni san?" I asked waking up groggily while rubbing my eyes

"Hurry up, kaasan is calling you down for breakfast" Itachi said

"Hai, I'll be there in a minute" I replied while getting out of my bed

"Just come down before kaasan yells at you for your tardiness" said Itachi while closing the door to sasuke's room while exiting

Still weird having two arms I thought

-After getting ready-

"Kaasan, ohayo gozaimus" I greeted

"Ohayo sasucakes" mikoto greeted back

"Itachi, go get your tousan and come we shall have to head out soon with sasucakes" said mikoto

"Of course" said Itachi while finishing up his breakfast

"Kaasan, where are we going?" I asked trying not to break my innocent, child like facade

"You forgot sasucakes? Today will be your first day in the academy, well technically entrance. I heard 11 more kids your age have joined early as well" replied mikoto while giving sasuke a tomato

"Aa, I must have forgotten" I replied, so the whole rookie 9 + team 9 are joining? No surprise with team 9 but the rest of us are joining a year early,

" Do not fool around in the academy sasuke" said a gruff voice from behind him

"Tousan" I greeted

"You are going to the academy to become a ninja, don't disappoint the uchiha clan's dignity, especially after you achieved the sharingan at such a young age" said fugaku

#Flashback to 2 years back#

There was a knock on the door of the main house one evening

"Hai, who's there?" asked mikoto while opening the door to see a pink haired girl supporting a bright yellow haired boy on her left side and her own youngest son on her right

"Ano? Are you sasuke kun's kaasan?" asked the pink haired girl

"Yes, I am. But whatever happened to him and kushina's son naruto?" asked mikoto

"Me,naruto and sasuke kun were playing tag when suddenly naruto slipped and fell off the cliff, I was terrified and was about to run to find an adult when I saw sasuke kun's eyes flash red. He went over to the cliff and used sticks to slow his fall and caught Naruto. I brought them here directly as they were no severe injuries" replied the pink haired girl

"Oh arigatou dear, you can drop sasuke here and go to the hokage office and tell this to the hokage?" asked mikoto while taking sasuke before he squashed the poor girl

"Hai, obasan" replied the pink haired girl

"Please call me mikoto, and who are you if I may ask? asked mikoto

"Watashi haruno sakura des mikoto san" chirped sakura before leaving to go to the hokage's office

Won't fugaku and Itachi kun be proud of sasucakes thought mikoto

# End of flashback #

"Hai tou san" I replied

"There sasucakes, we will be there at noon right before the ceremony starts so itachi will drop you to school is that fine?" asked kaasan while giving me my bento

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