Chapter 22: Time flies by quickly when your having fun

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1 year later

It has been a year since the Konoha 12 + Sai as an anbu graduated, there had been a lot of changes. For starters, we couldn't attend the Chunin Exams that year!

Flashback to the hokage's office where all genin team leaders and iruka sensei along with the hokage are there:

"The squad leaders who want to allow their genin to attend this year's Chunin Exams, please step forward" Minato asked

"Hokage sama, Team 9, consisting of Rock Lee, TenTen and Neji Hyuugā will not attend the Chunin Exams this year" Gai stated

"I'd like to nominate Team 7, consisting of Namikaze Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha for the Chunin Exams this year's Chunin Exams" Kakashi stated as murmurs about how they were still young erupted

"I would also like to nominate Team 10, consisting of Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka and Chouji Akimichi for this year's Chunin Exams as well" Asuma spoke

"I would also like to nominate Team 8, consisting of Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuugā and Shino Aburame" Kurenai stated as well

"But-" Minato held a hand up to stop Iruka from intervening

"Permission to include teams 7,8 and 10 in this year's Chunin Exams, denied" Minato declined their nominations

"Before the Chunin Exams were about displaying the military power each hidden village has. It still is. But I will not send freshly graduated genin to their supposed deaths" Minato explained

"I will notify you all in 3 days which teams are going to be participating in the Chunin Exams" Minato further elaborated

"Meeting dismissed"

End of Flashback

And in the end, Teams 7,8, 9 and 10 were not allowed to take part in the Chunin Exams.

That was probably the major thing. Now they've just finished their 1 year anniversary of becoming Genin.

Sakura P.O.V

"Sakura!" Ino called out

"Ino? What's up?" I asked

"Tsunade sama's calling you, I wonder what you did this time" Ino giggled

"I only destroyed 3 grounds and a forest! That's way less than I usually do when training!" I whined

"That's enough, go on now if you don't want to feel tsunade sama's wrath" Ino flicked my head

"Hai, hai" I pouted

"I'll make sure your grave is decorated with cherry blossoms and I'll get cherry tomatoes everyday!" Ino waved as I went towards my door. With a huge sigh, I knocked on the door as I opened it

"Sakura!" Tsunade raged

"Hai tsunade sama, you called?" I asked confidently, but my knees didn't want to obey my orders to stop shaking

"Do you have any missions?!not like I care either way!" Tsunade asked

"No, I'll be free this whole week" I sweat dropped

"Get the hyuugā, Yamanaka and TenTen and head along to Suna with shizune. They need help with the plants and medicinal equipment checks!" Tsunade sama said, shoving 3 books in my face

"Shizune already knows about this. Just make sure to check in with the yondaime and leave. If he doesn't allow it just show him this slip" Tsunade said as she handed me a slip as well before shoving me out the room

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