Chapter 26: Konoha's counter move!

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"Oi, Hatake Kakashi" said a voice as Kakashi immediately took a defensive stance

"What do you want, demon of the mist, Zabuza?" asked Kakashi

"Are you sure it's all right to leave your genins alone, without an adult?" asked Zabuza as he placed his sword on his shoulders

"They can take care of themselves just fine" said Kakashi

"Don't trust your little genins so much, it'll come back to haunt ya" said Zabuza before leaving

What's wrong with trusting my Hokage, the shadow kage and our top medic? Kakashi snickered at the thought before remembering why he came here

"If I'm correct, I smelt something right" said Kakashi as he arrived into a clearing in the forest

"The plant has actually moved huh? Might as well send them a little surprise tonight" said Kakashi before he shunshined back to the house

"Sakura, are you okay to be moving now?" asked Kakashi

"Yes, I realised what made us feel even weaker as well, luckily plants don't necessarily kill immediately" said Sakura

"Did you remove it from yourself and Ino?" asked Kakashi

"Yes, it's fairly easy with my knowledge" said Sakura

"Well, I was just thinking we give them a little present" said Kakashi

"No way, but isn't it impossible to reach them?" asked Sakura

"Might have been. But with Sage mode and rinnegan it's a bit of a piece of cake" said Kakashi

"Do we get Ino and Shikamaru?" asked Sakura

"No, cause they'll attack- actually, leave a similar message in our hokage's office, pretending to be the akatsuki. Speaking of which, who are we going to kill and who will we change?" asked Kakashi

"We'll discuss this with Sasuke kun and Naruto" said Sakura as she and Kakashi went to dinner together

"Kakashi sensei! Look what Asuma sensei got!" exclaimed Naruto as Infront of them were bowls of Miso ramen with seaweed and Naruto in it

"What did you do?" asked Kakashi as he sweat dropped at his colleague

"They've never had good food, so I bought whatever I could" replied Asuma

"Shikamaru, I challenge you to a game of shogi" said Sakura, of course she knew she can't beat him but she might come close also this way it would be easy for everyone to talk in their mindscape

"No, that's too troublesome to play shogi with you" mocked Naruto

"Hai, hai, I won't go easy on you just because your a girl" said Shikamaru

"Wouldn't dream of it" replied Sakura as she motioned for Ino, Sasuke and Naruto to follow them

"I might wanna see this" said Kakashi

"Why?" asked Asuma, he knew Sakura was smart, but she wouldn't last against Shikamaru for more then a minute

"My student may be a girl, but she might as well be a Nara because of her intellect" said Kakashi before he joined them upstairs

"So, what did you wanna talk about? You wouldn't challenge me for shogi otherwise?" asked Shikamaru

"Well, part of the reason me and Ino fainted was due to a pollen being spread in the air, however it only affected us girls due to our difference in hormones, the pollen was removable because Zetsu probably still isn't at his best yet and Black Zetsu is just waiting for the right time" explained Sakura

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