Chapter 10: Operation: Danzo becomes Deadzo is planned

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Sasuke P.O.V

I was laying on my bed with my back on it while talking to sakura and dobe through our telepathic links, but thanks to the kyuubi, we have our own mindscape, when I say we I mean everyone who came back with us from the future. And then we have a separate team 7+ hinata one.

"Well? How are we gonna kill danzo without being too suspicious? The past year we have come back in have been hard but so far only 2 people know about the truth. And we still haven't heard much about the sannin" sakura said while laying her back towards me

"Well, you guys could try and reverse summon ?" Hinata suggested as she played with naruto's hair

"That actually might work dattebayo!" naruto said

"Hn. Good plan, but with our chakra reserves we would be dead before we get the chance to talk to any of them" I said

"Danzo first, then worry about the sannin got it?" sakura said

"Well, how are you guys gonna kill danzo?" Hinata asked

I was about to say something before someone cut me off

"Without being suspicious, that's what she means anata" sakura said while making a face that resembles this -.-

"But also, hinata, aren't you coming to kill him as well?" Naruto asked

"Probably, but I'm not sure if tou sama would let me escape at all" hinata replied

"Got it!" sakura abruptly said

We all turned towards her

"Got the perfect plan to kill danzo" sakura said smirking

Naruto and hinata came a bit closer as I was already in a sitting position with sakura Infront of me.

"Well, The best way to assassinate danzo would be to use what we have, not worry about what we don't have" sakura said

We all shared a look of confusion

"Can we go to the other mindscape where everyone who time travelled is there? I need shikamaru to help me explain it to you guys" sakura said

We all switched to the other mindscape while waiting for shikamaru to join as we had called him. ( A/N: For those confused or to put it in simpler terms the mindscape is a bit similar to that of discord)

"This is such a drag, what do you guys want?" Shikamaru yawned as he joined the mindscape

"First of all, does your father know?" asked sakura, they hadn't been able to talk to shikamaru as they had to slowly build up bonds

"Yea, he found out last year before you guys left with your parents in the welcome ceremony" shikamaru said

Flashback to The first day at the academy

"Shikamaru, what's up with you? Your distant and acting like we all died" shikaku asked his only son, when he didn't get an answer he knew, he had hit the nail on the head

"You know how am I supposed to believe you?" Shikaku asked

"The box behind the cupboard which you don't want kaasan to know about?" Shikamaru shrugged but on the inside, he was panicking

"Fair enough" shikaku said before going to have a chat with his team

End of flashback

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