Chapter 14: What happened to Danzo?

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A/N: for those of you who are wondering about danzo, that's what this chapter contains. This chapter will be after they leave for suna


Minato P.O.V

I had just sent the haruno family plus inoshikasaihina to suna and was immediately Infront of the sannin and sandaime sama

"Orochimaru, I hope you've stopped those experiments of yours?" hiruzen asked

"I have, but I have a lot of left overs and it's bad to waste food so you can interpret what I just said however I want" oroochimaru said

"Anyways first I will deal with danzo s- danzo and then we shall discuss about orochimaru sama's fate. Sandaime sama,tsunade sama and a few of the top shinobi/Anbu are with you as most of them are guarding danzo. Jiraiya sama please follow me" I said while leading the way to danzo's cell

"Minato I know your there" danzo said
(A/N: he is tied up like how sasuke is after the war when he is in a cell except that even his arm is covered)

"Lovely to see you danzo" I said

"I sense that you brought that brat jiraiya with you as well" danzo said

"I'm not a brat you old geezer" jiraiya said

"Jiraiya sama,be careful don't converse with him too much he has the ability to brainwash you" I said

"Guess you did your research, didn't ya minato?" danzo let out an empty and dark chuckle

I said nothing but motioned for jiraiya sensei to follow me and help seal his arm

Jiraiya sama examined it and motioned me to come outside

"So? What seal should we put on him?" I asked

"I'd have to perform the death reaper seal or something else that is made for sealing and isn't a double agent" jiraiya said

"I got just the thing wait here" I said while placing my seal onto jiraiya sama before I hirashined to my house

"Kushina?" I called

"Hai? What's up dattebanne?" Kushina asked

"I need you to seal danzo's arm" I said before hirashining her back to where jiraiya sama is

"Ahh so that's your idea... sure it's gonna work?" jiraiya said doubtfully

"I'll have you know I'm very capable of performing a seal as simple as sealing danzo's crippled arm dattebanne" kushina said

"Hai kushina san" jiraiya said while raising his arms up

"Kushina we'll have to hurry up, me and jiraiya sama will perform the eight triagram seal and that will be 16 trigrams then you seal him up using your kekkai genkai and if all goes well danzo won't be able to use his arms in a month's time" I said before we all entered

We all looked at eachother and nodded

Eight triagram seal!

We watched as the seal took place on his arms before we nodded and chains emerged from kushina's body sealing his arm completely

Danzo screamed in pain one the chains started enveloping his arm

"Don't worry danzo we'll take nice care of you here" kushina spat before walking out

"Couldn't you just have hirashined her back?" jiraiya asked

"Times like this, we should just leave her probably" I said

"What're you gonna do about orochimaru?" Jiraiya asked

"Kami I forgot about that, let's go back to the hokage tower" I groaned before hirashining us to my office

"Everyone except the sannin and sandaime sama can leave, anbu in the shadows may leave as well. Itachi go call your father please. Shisui and izumi assist him. Shikaku,inoichi, shikaku stay here" I said

"What do you need us and the uchiha kids for minato?" Inoichi asked

"They're the jury, and the next king they have a right to know what's going on in the world. They're also the smartest of their generation" I said

"You called yondaime?" fugaku asked

"Please drop the formalities fugaku and stand over there. Shisui,Itachi and izumi stay here as well" I said

"We are here today to discuss the fate of one of konoha's deadly enemies orochimaru sama" I announced

"Before any arguments I am to disclose an SS class secret that is not allowed to go outside of this room" I said before placing soundproof seals over the room as a precaution before debriefing them on the danzo situation

"I believe the council has been removed hokage sama?" Itachi said

"Yes it has, and I have already chosen the new council" I said

"Are you allowed to disclose that information?" shikaku asked

"Indeed I am, the new council has 3 members, but I have made sure to have the perspective of everyone in mind while choosing this new council, Shikaku for obvious reasons your my unofficially official right hand man and are now officially my right hand man. The elder and veteran advice that would be needed will be taken care by the sannin, though all of them have their own responsibilities only one would probably be able to attend, the uchiha clan has been a major part of the building of konoha and would seem unfair not to include one of the most loyal clans in the council. Fugaku you are to also be in the council, in the unlikely event that you are not able to attend I request you to send your son, shisui and izumi to the meetings" I said

"That's a good council right there minato" shikaku said

"Thanks shikaku, but now the reason why I called this meeting, what is going to be the fate of orochimaru?" I asked

"I believe if danzo actually had been manipulating orochimaru sama than it would be sensible to put him under surveillance by 7 top anbu's and he can not access any of his properties for 8 months" fugaku said

"Sensible decision but has he actually changed sannin and sandaime?" I asked

"I have known orochimaru as a kid and I believe he actually has a chance to redeem himself" hiruzen said

"I don't think he will do any harm to konoha" tsunade said while jiraiya just agreed with her

"It's settled than, orochimaru sama you will ..................


A/N: And cliffhanger hehe

End of plot hole filler-1

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