Chapter 28: Word comes to Konoha

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"So we vandalise the Hokage's office?" asked Shikamaru

"No, we just write a message from the Akatsuki to Konoha" shrugged Ino

"Okay, you use clairvoyance and decipher the best route to take without having to fight" said Shikamaru as Ino nodded before closing her eyes

"Ara ara, aren't you both supposed to be on a mission?" asked a voice as they felt something slither

"Orochimaru sama, perfect I have a message from Sasuke for you" said Shikamaru as he handed the snake Sannin a scroll

"This is interesting......" said Orochimaru as he read the full scroll letting out hums here and there before closing it

"I shall arrange for what Sasuke kun wanted"

"Now for the hard part, Ino fit anything yet?" asked Shikamaru as she shook her head

"Most of them are occupied by ANBU guards"

"Might I be of some assistance?" asked Orochimaru

"Care to elaborate, Orochimaru sama?" asked Shikamaru as he tapped Ino on her shoulder, signalling her to stop what she was doing and pay attention

"Find the-"

"Oi! Ino chan, Shikamaru chan!" said an annoying voice

Does everyone notice us immediately?! Shikamaru and Ino were terrified at the thought

"Shisui, your going to scare the poor kids" sighed another voice

"Aa, gomen" said Shisui as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head

"It's fine shisui san" said Ino

"Itachi san could you help us?" asked Shikamaru as he explained everything. You see there was one major difference between what team 7 was doing and what they were doing. What they're doing is infiltrating a place that they're well known at. Team 7 is at an unknown isolated area

"I see, the people you decided to save are also good at heart. Very well, I shall help you. Shisui san, distract the ANBU. It's easy for me to go in there unnoticed, but to take two kids who are currently seen as miracles would be too flashy" said Itachi

"Leave it to me, I'll distract them so much they'll forget their own names" said Shisui as he hopped onto the roofs

"Is it really a good idea to leave things to Shisui kun?" asked Orochimaru

"He's dumb, but he probably is one of the best shinobi I've ever seen in my career" said Itachi before they saw huge fireworks

"Though he can be a bit to extra at times" sighed Itachi as he sweat dropped before turning to Ino and Shikamaru

"We'll use the underground passage to enter the building, then we should be able to reach the main office within a few minutes"

"I'll go observe the marvellous show Shisui kun is up to" said Orochimaru before he left

"Now that that's dealt with, let's head down the passage, watch your step though" warned Itachi as they went underground

"I never knew this place has an underground passage, shouldn't you also have known that, Shikamaru?" asked Ino

"After Pein's attack, it got levelled. So I'm guessing the passage was also filled with dirt" said Shikamaru

"We should he reaching the staircase that reaches the main room soon, be careful now, this is where it gets tricky" said Itachi as he slowly moved diagonally skipping a step occasionally as Ino and Shikamaru just stared at him

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