Chapter 17 : Costello's Blood

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The picture is Hugo.

"Family isn't defined only by the last names or by blood; it's defined by commitment and by love. It means showing up when they it most. It means having each other's backs. It means choosing to love each other even on those days when you struggle to like each other. It means never giving up on each other."

Bellezza's POV

"Honey, Belle, wake up please. Sweety I'm so very sorry. I love you baby. Wake up my sweet girl," a familiar voice said. I could hear someone whispering into my ears. Coaxing me to wake up and be better but do I? Why can't I see anything? I can't seem to remember. I pushed myself to break out of this trance

All I see is darkness, all around me. Pitch black was the sky, the ground and myself included. No light was present and this seemed to make me calm. Like all worries and commitments of mine were gone, not mine to care for no more. This feeling was so uplifting, I didn't want to leave. Why leave this beautiful dark place, when I can stay here forever and go into the light?

Voices and more voices, I could hear as they became louder like many people were speaking at the same time. "Belle, sorrelina, wake up please. We miss you," a deep voice said. A voice that was very familiar but the tone of sadness and emotion in this voice was new and seemed awkward coming out from this voice. "It's me Hugo, your brother. Rainier and Fury are here too. Dad is here too baby. Its been days since we've seen your beautiful eyes baby. Fight sorella, please wake up," more pleading voices.

Hugo, the name sound familiar. Why can't I remember?! Rainier? Fury? Wait he said brothers and umm... DAD. He said dad was here. Wait Hugo! I remember now. My brothers, they were all here and dad too. I don't want to be in this darkness anymore. I want to go back to them! Hugo help me! Rainer! Fury please help! Dad! How do I open my eyes! I wanna see you guys. Come on, open! I can do this. Pushing as hard as I can to come out of this oblivion.

My eyes slowly open and immediately squint to adjust to the sudden bright light. "Ugh...,"I try to speak my my throat felt so sore. ""I cry out. "Belle? Belle! You're awake! Thank god! Baby here drink some water," Hugo says as he rushes to me. My eyes slowly adjusted to his presence in front of my vision. I feel the tip of the cup at the bottom of my lip and immediately gulp the water down my dry throat. Gaining my strength, I pushed myself up gently to sit up on the bed. I felt a little pain in my tummy from my injury but it was just a dull ache now compared to the lashes I had on my back. I looked up at realized all eyes were on my every move. "You okay, Belle?" Fury asked with tear stained cheeks. Never have I seen him cry before. He always took out pain through his anger. I gave him a soft smile reassuringly and looked at Rainer who came and kissed my forehead. "You almost gave us a heart attack, Belle," He says jokingly. I smiled at him not having the energy to laugh. I turned my head to the other side of the room hoping to see Hugo but my eyes land on the one person who I thought would be someone I would never see again.

"Dad?" I asked as I scrunched my eyebrows and narrowed my eyes. Was what I was seeing true or have I started hallucinating? "Yes sweetheart, its me," He says as he starts to get up from his seating position at the back of Hugo. Hugo nudges his brothers to leave with him. I wanted to argue as to why they would leave me alone with our father but if Hugo let him in here, he knows what he's doing. He would never put me in any harms away. The door shut close behind him and he approached me. I stared at him, not fearing him anymore. After what I've been through, you stop fearing anything honestly. I'll probably end up in therapy because of this. "Belle, I am not sure where to begin but I want you to know I'm sober and have been for a while. I regret it all Belle. I was grieving but that was not excuse. I lost a wife but you, my dear lost your mother. I should have been there for you. I'm sorry I was weak. Please forgive me. I want to do better if you would let me baby. I love you so much. I want to be your mother and father now. I just want you to be safe and and happy," He says as he broke down in front of me. I teared up. A war ranged inside of me. He sounds really sorry and he is doing his best. He was in pain and so was I. He would never put me through worse than I have already been through anyway.

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