Chapter 14 : Phone

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The picture is Zephyr.

Character Chapter Updated

“The broken will always be able to love harder than most because once you’ve been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines.” 


Hugo's POV

"How did you find her phone? I mean we couldn't even track it," I say to Antonio as he walks to me.
"I retraced her steps and to get an idea where she would have went. And somewhere on 15th Street, I saw her phone on the pavement. But it had opened up and I just closed it up and fixed it," Antonio says.
"Let's not waste anytime. Enrique come," I say and rush to the office to get any info from it.

Enrique went through the phone systems to detect all movement that have been made on the Belle went missing but his effort was useless. She hadn't used the phone for anything so there was nothing to track. "Nothing boss," Enrique says disappointed. "For f*cks sake!!" I shouted in frustration and leave the room to my office.

The moment I stepped in I pushed everything off my desk and hit the table hard with my first. My knuckles were bruised in the process and I took a seat on the chair with my hand on my forehead. "I'm a damn feared gun trafficker and I can't find my own sister!" I scolded myself.

Back to Belle's POV

My clothes are socked in my own blood, torn everywhere. My hair looks like a birds nest. I need new clothes. I need to ask Zephyr. As soon as the though of his name comes to my mind, he walks in. I slowly try to sit up from the bed and Zephyr rushed to help me. "Take it easy," He says while moving a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Zephyr," I say in almost a whisper. He looks at me expecting me to finish my sentence. "Can I have some clean clothes, please? My wounds would only get infected. I need to bath. Please ask your brother. Please," I beg him. He sighs and puts his hand on my shoulder. "I'll see what I can do," He says and walks out. I took a deep breath and realised I smell like a dead skunk. I really need a shower. I saw a bathroom in the room I was in and I decided to take the opportunity to go. It can't get any worse for me right? It's not wrong to shower. I gently turned my body to the side and got of the bed. My legs wobbled a bit but I regained my balance. I took slow and steady steps to the bathroom and saw a shower in there. I immediately closed the door behind me, locked it and stripped myself. I looked at myself in the mirror realising how horrible I looked. I turned around to face my back to the mirror and saw my whip scars for the first time. It looked horrible, my body was scarred, it was no longer beautiful. I was ugly. I put all thoughts behind me and turned on the shower.

My wounds burnt from the hot water but it was soothing at the same time. I placed one hand on the wall in front of me for support. Reality hit me like a brick and I started sobbing. I took in everything that happen to me. The kidnapping, the whipping, my head, the dark sinister voice of my kidnapper. It sounded so familiar but my head is too wrecked now to think no more. I let the tears spill and be washed off by the shower.

Out of nowhere, the door slammed open and I nearly tripped in the shower. I immediately tried to cover myself and I turned to see who came in. "Relax, tesoro. It's just me," It was the voice of the guy behind the mask. My eyes widen in horror and shock.

I can't believe he asked me to relax?! How does he expect me to relax after what he has done to me! "Here, I brought you some clean clothes. Don't want you to spread your stench now do we?" He said arrogantly. I was angry at him for doing all this to me but I'm grateful to at least get new clothes. "Umm...Thanks?" I said it more like a question. I forgot I was still naked in front of him. "Can you go?" I ask through gritted teeth. I don't know where my courage came from. "Talking back now are we?" He says taking a step closer towards me.

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