Chapter 12 : Chains

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The picture is Hugo.

"Every man has his secret sorrow which the world know not; and often time we call a man cold, when he is only sad.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Back at the safe house, next morning

Antonio's POV

"You really think it was a good idea leaving Belle behind in the house without telling her we were not gonna be home all night?" Olive said as she opened the house entrance door. We just finished our assigned jobs and returned.

"You know we can't tell her. What if she asks questions??" Enrique says with a frown. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to Belle's bedroom. I knocked on it several times awaiting her reply but nothing. "I'm coming in!!" I shout out loud enough hoping she can hear. When I entered, my mouth dropped, she wasn't I'm her room and I checked the bathroom and the closet but she wasn't there too. I ran out the room downstairs to Olive.

"Olive have you seen Belle?" I asked her grabbing her hand before she could unpack the things we bought. "No. She's not in her room?" She asks me with her eyes with worry. Before I could reply, Enrique entered the kitchen and shouted "Guys, we have a problem. We're all dead," He says rubbing his temples while holding his phone with the other hand.

"What is it??" I ask facing him. "The guards saw a footage of Belle leaving the house last night and she never returned!" Enrique said as calmly as possible but I know he was feeling dead inside. If anything happened to Belle, Hugo will have our heads on a spike literally. "Shit! WHERE WETE THE GUARDS LAST NIGHT?!" I shouted in anger. Olive was so stunned she didn't say a word.

"They were at their dinner break. The time she came out was like a few minutes after they left. The security footage guy was on leave yesterday for family issues," He says crunching his hand into a fist. "Stop! Stop! We have to get a search team on her! Now!" Olive shouts out of nowhere in pure rage. We looked at her dumbfounded.

"Antonio, you call Hugo and tell him now! Enrique you prepare a search team here as we wait for backup!" She shouts in command. "Hugo?? Me?? Why??" I cry out. Man I can't face him. Best friends or not he will kill me. Olive gave me a glare that definitely shut me up immediately. I walked out the room to call Hugo in private.

Enrique immediately went to see the guards and I followed him. We planned to split up and take two cars to look for her. I sat on a chair in my room and dialed Hugo's number. Sweat began to pour from my head but I sucked it up. I needed to find my Belle. She was not mine to own by I feel like I lost her.

It started to ring.

Back at the penthouse.

Hugo's POV

"Did they settle the things last night?" I ask Rainer who was standing in front of me. "Yeah, they did,"He replies laid back. "Our sister did suspect anything?" Fury asks. "Not that I heard of," I reply.

I hope she didn't notice their absence. I wouldn't know how those idiots can explain anything to her. Suddenly my phone rings from the table. Rainer and Fury face me picking up the call. I saw the caller Antonio.

"Hello? I say. "B..bbo..oss?" He says stuttering.
"Hugo is fine Tony. What's the matter?" I ask frustrated. I hated being disturbed when I did my paper work.
"We have a... problem," He says as he gulps though the line.
"Well tell me then!" I say.
"It's about...Belle...,"He says quietly. Not that I didn't hear it.
"Belle?? What happen?" I ask as calmly as possible. Hearing me say this, Rainer and Fury hurries to my side.
"Hugo, loud speaker," Rainer says. I nod and did so saving time to explain to them later.
"Antonio I do not have l day! TELL ME NOW!" I say raising my voice. I don't usually do this but it's about Belle so I can't help it.
"We found footage of her leaving the house last night and she never returned," He says with a breaking voice. I felt my whole world just crumble. My rage building up. My blood boiling. I noticed Fury was about to lash out. Rainer remained calm and focused on the phone.
"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!!" Rainer bursts out of nowhere with anger. He wasn't usual the one to get so angry but he cares for Belle dearly.
"Tony get a search team now! I'm coming," I say and throw my phone across the room breaking it into pieces.

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