Chapter 16 : Drop The Act

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The picture is Zephyr.

"P.S. You're not going to die. Here's the white-hot truth: if you go bankrupt, you'll still be okay. If you lose the gig, the lover, the house, you'll still be okay. If you sing off-key, get beat by the competition, have your heart shattered, get's not going to kill you. Ask anyone who's been through it."

- Danielle LaPorte

Hugo's POV

I drove until the front of the hospital, not caring that was not a parking spot and immediately killed the engine. I went to back seat and gently carried Belle in my arms. There was blood on her shirt. I lifted it up to see broken stitches. F*ck! What'd they do to her?! I ran into the hospital like a mad man. There were many people but I know the owner of this hospital and I practically own half of it. "Dr Ramon!!!" I shout until everyone stared at me but I didn't care. I saw him come running and the nurses behind him pulling a bed in my direction. "Boss, place her here," He says as he began attaching equipment on her. The nurses dragged Belle's body away and I began following them but Dr Ramon steps in front of me. "You can't go with her, boss!" He says but he's words fall on deaf ears. I continue to push through but he pushes me harder until I stop walking and give him a death stare. "You have to trust me," He says and I let go a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I gave him a forced nod and he rushes to attend to Belle in the ICU.

I took the seat closes to her room and began texted Rainer and Fury to come to the hospital with clothes and stuff cause I am definitely not leaving her side anytime soon. I ran my hand through my hair feeling very impatient. I did this. I should have never brought her to the penthouse, to us. She would have been safer with our father rather than with us. Our father...Should I tell him? Will he care? I sighed and decided that I decided to notify him Maybe he will change someday. Grieving was still never an excuse for him to care Belle. I dialed his number and waited.

"Hello?" Dad said and surprisingly his voice was not slurring. "Dad, its Hugo. Something happened dad," I say trying not to break down. I have never cried since I was a child,not even for our mother's death but here I am crying over my dear sister. The line went silent for a minute. "What is it? Spit it out boy!" He says in a hurry. Geeshh...I wonder why'd I even called me. "Its Belle, dad. She's...well...She's been hurt bad," I say awaiting his reaction. "What? This is all your fault! Where is she? How's my baby?" He shouts from the phone making me f*cking pissed. He was the one who forced us to have to bring her with us. "She's in the ICU right not getting treatment in Liberty Hospital," I say. "I am on my way," He says and the line went silent. Since when does he care about us now? I won't believe that he is capable of change but I will give Belle to make the choice for herself.

An hour later, Rainer came running along with Fury behind him. they stop in front of catching their breath. "How is our baby sister?" Rainer asked. I sighed and dropped my gaze for a minute and looked back at them. Looking at my reaction to their question brought terror to their faces as I never and I mean never hang my head low. "She's still in there with the doctors but when I found her...She was in a very bad state guys," I say with sadness with my tone. Disappointment consumed me because I found her too late, anger built up as I didn't catch the person responsible and pain from how scared she was when I found her, so broken. She knows something that caused them to fled even before we arrived but we can only ask her later. My main priority now is to ensure Belle is safe and out of danger, second is to kill the bastard that caused this.

And hour later and still no news from the doctor. "Rainer, where are the others?" I asked. "I've sent them back to the hotel to handle business while we're here. Then we heard loud footsteps rushing to our area and all our heads whipped to the direction of the figure that stopped in front of us. Dad. He looked at us unsure how to react to seeing us. I noticed Fury fuming as he saw dad. I eyes Rainer to control Fury so he placed a hand on Fury's shoulder with a strong grip in attempt to prevent him from doing something stupid. Our father simply turned to my direction knowing I was the most composed person no matter how much I hated him with every bone in my body. "How is she?" He asked calmly. "She is i the ICU getting looked at now," I say as I continued to stare at him dead in the eye. "Hugo, can we talk? Please?" Dad asks with guilt. I nod my head and signal him to follow me as he head to the elevator. We arrived at the rooftop for some fresh air and I light a cigarette awaiting my dad to say something.

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