Chapter 3 : Where Am I?

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The picture is Rainer.

"The worst type of crying wasn't the kind everyone could see--the wailing on street corners, the tearing at clothes. No, the worst kind happened when your soul wept and no matter what you did, there was no way to comfort it. A section withered and became a scar on the part of your soul that survived. For people like me and Echo, our souls contained more scar tissue than life."

Katie McGarry

"Hugo wants me to what??" I asked back in disbelief. "He's never even let me visit him in his house before and now he wants me to move in with him and you guys?!" I continue yelling.

Furacian wanted to scold me for yelling at him. I could see it in his eyes and how his teeth gritted. He was holding back now wanting what happened earlier to happen again.

"It's not up to me, Belle. Just go pack your things," He says to me setting me down to the floor. "What about dad?" I ask diverting the conversation away from me. "If he's gonna be a drunkard and not care about his own daughter, he can look after himself!" Fury says angrily and disappointed at my dad who promised to look after me.

I didn't want to argue with him further so I nodded and went to my room to pack my things. I packed all my clothes, appliances, accessories, necessities and my medication. I tied my hair into a bun and went downstairs slowly carrying like 4 bags in my hands.

As clumsy as I usually am, I tripped in the middle of the steps and dropped l my bags before rolling down the stairs and hitting the hard ground. I hit my head pretty bad and everything around me started to go blurry. Then I heard footsteps running towards me. I looked up to see Fury staring down at me before leaning down and picking me up bridal style.

"Belle! Belle! Why the hell are you so clumsy! Are you okay?! Shit you head!" I heard him muttering. His words were a blur to me. I felt him carry me and lay me down on the back seat of his car. Then he rushes back in and runs out with my bags. He immediately starts the car and starts driving. I wanted to say something but my my body felt paralysed and I couldn't mutter a word. I let sleep consume me.

The next morning I woke up feeling groggy. My vision slowly came back to me. I looked around and didn't recognise where I was. Maybe Fury brought me to Hugo's house. I slowly got out of bed and looked around the room I was in.

It was beautifully decorated. It had been painted baby blue and the curtains were the colour of the ocean. There was a big aquarium like wall in front of the grey sheeted bed. A huge dressing table to my right and a closet door to my left. I then spotted the balcony and went to open the windows.

I pushed the curtains open and turned the handle on the window. "Shit!" I cursed looking down to realise I'm like 100 storeys high up from the ground. "They stay in an apartment?!" I say to myself while leaning back inside. I was scared of heights.

"Correction little sis, you're in our hotel and this my dear is the penthouse," I heard someone say behind and turned around to see my brother, Rainer, standing near the door to my room, leaning on the door frame. I looked at him with a surprise face before running to him as he open his arms wide towards me. I lunged toward his neck and he hugged me back raising me a bit of the ground.

"Oh, Rainer! I missed you so much!" I say burying my head in his shoulders. "I missed you too little sis. You've gotten smaller since the last I saw you," He said as he sets me down to my feet. I don't reply. "How's your head?" He asks me gently rubbing the back of my head with his huge hand.
"Its okay," I say placing my hands on his at the back of my head.

"Belle, Fury told me everything. How could you do this to yourself?" He asks me in a very calm voice sounding very concerned. "I'm sorry," I say looking down not brave enough to look at his eyes. Rainer then places both of his hands on each sides of my shoulder and rubs them in a slow motion. "You can always talk to me. I'm sorry for not being there for you. Things have been very hectic," He says looking very disappointed in himself for not being there for me.

"I don't blame you guys," I say softly. It's actually a lie. I do blame them for leaving me, all 3 of them and dad. I just didn't want to hurt them even more. "I know your lying sis. I can see it in your eyes," He says before walking towards the door.

"Wait! How long was I out?" I ask him curiously. "Hmm... About a few hours. It's night" He says. "Come down for dinner at 8," He continues before coming back and kissing my forehead then leaves the room. "Oh and you'll see Hugo at dinner so umm... Just be prepared to meet his furious a*s," He says while walking away as his voice gets softer.

Dinner time. It was 7.40 and I just came out after soaking in the hot tub. Damn that was relaxing. I walked to my closet to find it stocked with clothes. I wonder when they had time to do this. They just found out today that I had to live with them. I choose a pink crop top with a long sleeve, not wanting them to see my scars, a pair of blue denim shorts and I slipped a pair of white sneakers on. I tied my hair into a ponytail and gelled my baby hair as my hair is curly. I took a deep breathe before leaving the room to the dinning which took me a while to find. For a penthouse, this place is huge.

I arrived at the dinning area to see my brother, Fury sitting at the table and Rainer preparing the food. Ohh can't wait to taste his cooking again. I took a seat beside Fury and he turned towards me. "Hey sis, you feeling better?" He asks me with a genuine smile on his face. I simply nod and put my elbows on the table and rest my head on my hands.

"Hugo will be a bit late," Rainer says as he puts the food on the table. "Dig in," He says. I don't really have an appetite to eat the amount of food he cooked but I know if I don't, I'll get in trouble. They'll find out yet another secret about me.

I put a bit rice on my plate, a piece of chicken and some salad. I drank a glass of water and finished my food. "Is that all you're gonna eat? You need to eat more," Rainer says as he attempts to put more rice on my plate. "No!" I say as I pull my plate away. "I am full. I can't eat no more," I say angrily. They have no right to tell me how to eat. The argument kept going. They both tried to put more food at my plate yelling that I'm too skinny and too pale but I kept denying it all and refused to eat anything they added. I kept fighting back but not yelling at them cause I still respect them until I got to my breaking point.

"Stop! Stop forcing me to eat! I can't okay?! I'll vomit if I eat anymore okay?! I have tried!" I screamed out with tears threatening to spill for my eyes as it became glassy. My throat became hoarse towards the end of my sentence. I coughed after spitting out words in fury. "Belle! This is unaccepta..." Fury was cut midway of his sentence.

"What may I ask is going on here?" We heard a deep, dark and cold voice from the back of the dinning room.

Last updated on 20th December 2019

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