Chapter 18 : The Condition

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The picture is Christian.

"Character chapter updated"

Back at the penthouse hotel lobby

Bellezza's POV

Hugo pushed me into the hotel in a wheelchair where I found quite comfortable. Rainer and Fury trailed close behind. Dad went back home and promised to visit me soon. I believe he will keep his word this time. Lost in my thoughts, Hugo suddenly halted and looked ahead, I followed his gaze to a handsome young man standing in front of us, whose presence was as dangerous a my brothers seemed to be. His position held authority and he stood like he owned the place. "Is that you Chris?" Hugo asked the man in front of us while I studied him closely as he approached us. "Hugo, yes its me. Long time no see," the man so called Chris says. "I thought your father was supposed to be here," Rainer says curiously. "Oh, did you guys not hear? My father retired, I'm in charge now," Chris says dominantly. "I see. Well we got lots to discuss but do excuse me, I have to attend to my family first," Hugo says referring me I am sure. "Yes I heard. I am sorry. I wish I helped. Is this her?" Chris asks sincerely as he takes off his sunglasses. Who wear sunglasses in a hotel indoors? "Yes, this is my sister, Bellezza. Bellezza this is...," Chris cut him off.

"Christian Lorrenzo, my sweet girl. Nice to meet you," Chris says as he bends down to meet my eyes. "Umm...Hi?" I reply nervously. How does he make me so nervous?! Stupid butterflies. Hugo damn well wanted to say something to Chris for calling me his sweet girl but he bit the bullet surprisingly and so did the rest. This guy must be of higher power than them. Just as I was about to ask who he was, Lucifer came in. "Hugo, so glad you're here. Belle, you doing okay little one?" Lucifer says. He's always treated me like his daughter. I've met Lucifer before, and I took a liking to him. "I am good Luci, thanks," I say. "We really need you guys now. Things have been hectic and we need to sort shipments as well," Lucifer says looking exhausted. "Thank you Lucifer but I gotta get Belle up and comfortable," Hugo says unsure. "I could help with that. Allow me to escort her up. I'd be happy to," Chris says volunteering. I honestly was too tired to care who was bringing me up. If Hugo trust them, then so do I, I guess. "Well, okay," Hugo says hesitantly. "One thing Hugo, does she know?" Chris asks. I was lost for a while thinking what he was talking about. "Yes, she does," Hugo says sighing. Then, I remembered it must be about what they do. Hmm...That means Christian does something illegal too but what it is, I need to figure out.

Rainer kneel down to me and brushes my hair. You okay with Christian bringing you up?" He asks me to ensure I am comfortable with someone else. I nod and give him a reassuring smile. "Okay then, take good care of her Chris. We will check on you later, little one," Rainer says as he passes the wheelchair to Chris and my brothers walk away with Lucifer, not before Fury pats my head. Christian begin pushing the wheelchair to the private lift and presses the up button. It opens and we enter. Well this is going to be a long ride, I might as well ask him what he does. "Mr Lorrenzo, what do you do? I know its illegal shit," I ask sounding as not caring as I can. "Christian or Chris is fine Belle. Are you sure you want to know? Don't want you being scared of me," Christian says. "Nothing scares me anymore, Chris, not after you go through what I have," I say neutrally. "Well then, I am the leader of the American Mafia, Belle," He says calmly. Oh my. The freaking American mafia leader is pushing a little girl who means nothing to him in a wheelchair for no reason. "You're quiet," Chris says. "I just don't know what to say to something like that," I say and just at that the lift beeps and we've arrived at the penthouse. "My room is on the 2nd floor," I say and Chris nods as proceeds to push my wheelchair.

As we approach my room, I point to it and he opens the door. I look around my room like its the first time I've seen it. I miss home. "Come on, let's get you to bed," Chris says but then I feel something coming and I know what it is. Life hates me. "Umm, Christ?" I say awkwardly. "Yea?" He asks. "Ikindaneedtogopee," I say slurring my words together. "Sorry what?" He asks again as he looks at me. "I need to go pee," I say as my cheeks flush red. Damn it! Shouldn't have let him bring me up. Chris looked at me unsure what to do as he rubbed his neck. He knew my brothers would kill him no matter who he was if he had tried shit with their sister. "Umm, okay. I'll help you over to the toilet seat, then you can take over from there?" Chris asks nervously. Me a little girl making a mafia leader nervous. HA! "Yep, I think," I say blushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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