Chapter 6 : Goosebumps

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The picture is Antonio.

When you're surrounded by all these people, it can be lonelier than when you're by yourself. You can be in a huge crowd, but if you don't feel like you can trust anyone or talk to anybody, you feel like you're really alone.

Fiona Apple

Back to Phoebe's POV

When we reach the restaurant, Hugo gets out of the car and then proceeds to open my side of the car door for me. I slide out gracefully to prevent any flashes of my underwear. He then extended his hand to me and I placed mine in his. I got out and I closed the door.

I noticed he didn't let go of my hand. Instead he brought it closer to his eyes. Shit can he see the scars through my make up. He doesn't say anything but gently sets my hand down and proceeds to the restaurant and I follow behind. I could see his shoulders moving up and down deeply. He was tensed. Its my second day out and I've already messed things up.

As we sat at the reserved table in a closed of area, we were greeted by the waiter and given menus. We looked through the food and picked something. The waiter then left us in silence in the dinning area where I could see no one else but Hugo.

"So wanna talk about those scars you're trying to hide?" He asked me placing his arms on the table, staring into my eyes. "Umm...I'm sorry brother. I regret them. I was unstable, I still am but I'm working on it,"I say pleading with him.

"Okay fine. I'll let it go this time but if I see anymore of them on you, you will be grounded and will never be allowed alone again," He says sternly and I nod. "About earlier? What happen? Why did you go stiff, Belle?" He asks me leaning forward.

I took a deep breath and looked at him. I know I can't lie to him. I have no strength to try. "Okay fine but please don't get angry," I say to him hoping he would understand that I don't want any drama tonight. He nods and take my hands in his at the middle of the table.

"When mom died, dad started drinking more than often," I started. "Yeah, I know. Fury told me about the bottles of alcohol he saw," Hugo says interrupting me. "Well, once I went out to go and see mom at the graveyard. It was pretty late. When I returned home, dad yelled at me asking me why I was late. I told him where I went but he was so angry he smashed the bottle of alcohol on the floor next to the pile of others," I continued. Hugo stared at me intensely.

"He then walked to me and grabbed my collar harshly and pulled me close to his face shouting about how I disrespected him. He then let me go and I fell to the floor. I was so scared Hugo of what he would have done. I was terrified to ever leave the house again so I didn't, "I told Hugo facing down, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

Hugo then got up, dragged his chair next to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there, Belle. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It's our fault for not taking you with us," Hugo whispered in my ears feeling guilty. "I don't blame you guys, Hugo. You wouldn't have known," I said to him raising my head to face his eyes which were red.

The waiter appeared with our food and we pulled away to dig in. Halfway Hugo stopped. "So there's a lot to tell you about our lifestyle and some rules in the house," He says as he places his utensils down on the plate. I continued eating but noded.

"So the guys you saw earlier and 2 other people are actually staying in the penthouse with us. The penthouse has 4 floors. The ground floor has the usual stuff, kitchen, living room, gameroom, theater, dinning room and one of my office. Then the 2nd floor is where our place is, all our 4 rooms and 1 extra room, a living room and a music room. The 3rd floor has 4 rooms where the 4 of them stay, another living room and a library. The 4th floor is unaccessible to you, Belle. It's for business purposes only. You are forbiden to go there. You shall not mention to anyone outside this penthouse about the existence of this 4th floor. I'm telling you this because I trust you dear sis," Hugo explains the blueprint of the penthouse. I listened carefully to not get lost.

"Wait I though there is 5 of them?" I asked remembering the people Hugo introduced earlier. "Oh yeah. Antonio has his own place but he's actually gonna move in with us in a few days to make business easier. He is my partner," Hugo says to me. "So he's gonna stay in the same floor as us?" I ask in disbelief. "Yeah but if you're uncomfortable with it, we could move to the 3rd floor and all of them could shift down," Hugo says to me in concern. "No, it's totally okay. I was just surprised that's all," I say covering up my awkwardness.

"Belle are you gonna put your degree to good use and get a job?" Hugo says to me as he continues to cut his steak. I sigh not not what to say. I haven't decided. I still am not sure about my life. Its not any better mentally. I think Hugo understood my silence. "Okay sis. I won't push you. Just concentrate on your mental health first. Come to any of us if you need anything," Hugo says concerningly. It's the first time I've seen him so open to me. He's usually so cold and shut out.

After dinner, we walked out the restaurant but then Hugo's phone rang. He checked the caller and sighed. "I'll be a minute sis. Just wait here a while," He says as he answers the phone and walks away. We'll I guese I have to stand here all alone at night. Seriously what was he thinking.

Its been like 10 minutes and he's not back. God knows where he went. He could have at least unlocked the car. I leaned on the car door while looking at my phone. Then suddenly I heard footsteps in front of me. I looked up thinking it was Hugo. "Finally...," I choked on my words when I realised the man standing in front of me wasn't Hugo. In fact I didn't even know the guy and he looked like he hadn't got a bath in days.

I felt goosebumps on my skin when he stopped in front of me. "Hey pretty lady. What is a girl like you doing here all alone? In the middle of the night?" He whispered to me near my ear. I couldn't move. I froze. He's breath stunk of alcohol and he's teeth were rotten. His body covered with sweat and dirt. He placed his hand on my waist and I jerked back but I couldn't get far. The car was behind me. I wanted to scream but he's other hand was on his gun at his waist. Shit! He leaned in to kiss me and I shut my eyes tight.

Just as I expected the worse to happen, I felt his hand jerked off me and his stench gone. I opened my eyes to see the man up in the air held by his neck facing me. I couldn't see the man behind the jerkface. "Mia Belle, please come behind me darling,"I heard a voice say. I leaned to the side to see Antonio holding the guy up. Where did he come from?

I obeyed him and ran behind him. I was beyond scared. I grabbed his shirt at the back with my hands until my knuckles turned white. I coward behind him taking in the smell of his cologne which seemingly calmed me.

"How dare you touch her you Mother F*cker!" He shouted out and threw the guy to the other side of the road in one go. Wow, Antonio is strong. The guy got up and ran away.

Antonio turned around and saw me with a pale face and tears streaming down my eyes. I hadn't notice I was crying. "Shh.... Mia Belle. He's gone now. He can't hurt you," He cooed me before embracing me in a tight hug. I leaned my head on his chest listening to his heart beat.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you before I came?" He asked me while moving me with his hands checking for bruises. "No, I'm okay. Thank you Antonio,"I say choking on my sobs. "Belle call me Tony. Let's get you home. Hugo had some urgent business so he called me," He said to me while bringing me to his car.

"What about Hugo's car? And why couldn't he have told me himself?" I asked angrily. How could he have left me standing alone in a silent road at night! I was so angry at him. Didn't he care for me? I was traumatised enough to go outside and now this?!

"The car will be collected tomorrow. There was some complications so he had to rush for it. He says he's sorry," Antonio says to me. "Well he can shove that apology up where the sun don't shine!" I shout back while Antonio drives off. "I have the right to be angry. I could have been r*ped!" I tell Antonio. He sighed and didn't say anything. Hugo has a lot of explaning to do tomorrow.

Last updated 23rd December 2019

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