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How they look :D ^^ just a short intro :D

*5 years after war*

Nialls POV (it's gonna all be in his POV for the most part :) )

"Babe, come 'ere."

I turn around from the kitchen stove and face Ed, my caring boyfriend.

"Yea?" I call out, mixing the soup.

"Leave the stove off, I wanna watch a movie together." He calls back, I can imagine him smiling and tossing out the blankets.

I turn off the stove as instructed and make my way over to our living room. Yup, we live together.

"There you are." He smiles, pulling my down by my waist. I land on his left thigh/couch, and then wrap my arms around him.

"Wanna watch this?" He flips to a documentary on kangaroos.

"Sure." I Answer, closing my eyes. I know this is gonna be boring so might as well sleep.

You're probably wondering 'why Ed?' Well, we bonded after the war. I learned he had a lot in common with me, a great friend. However I soon found out he liked me, and I guess I liked him back. We've been dating ever since, 4 years now. I wonder when he's gonna pop the question, but no we haven't had sex.

I drift off into sleep, not caring about anything else but wonderful rest.


I jolt awake, ughh. I don't know why, but I seem to be having flash backs from war a lot more than I should be...flashbacks of..him.

I'm 120% done with him, he never even liked me. What a douche.

"And now we end out documentary.."

I slowly side the remote out of eds sleeping hand, and flip through the channels.

I must've been out for a while, considering it's night time.

"My princess.."

I freeze. What the fuck?!

My heart skips multiple beats and I shakily turn the channel back to the previous.

I see him. He looks the same, but more worn. He's standing in front of an office, in a tux, being interviewed.

"Who is this mysterious 'princess', she's probably a doll isn't she?" The reporter asks, shoving the mic up to his face.

"Yea, he's a doll. I absolutely love him, my little baby. I plan on finding him, he's mine. Tell that immature ginger to get his hands off my game." He turns to the camera, and I swear to god I hear the voice right behind my head.

"Daddy's getting his baby back."

The words echo in my mind, he is none other than Zayn Malik.

Yes? No? I think it'll be a fun book. Please read the last couple updates of prisoner, I have a new book In mind and I have ideas for that as well. Only like one person likes it so far, please comment!!! Love you all :*

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