
518 18 4

Y'all m'kay. (I'm not black wtf)

Anywaaaays. Imma post this message on all stories cuz it's important :).

Okay firs off, I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated these books in forever. I've joined extra curricular activities for fun BUT THEY ARENT FUN ANYMORE (DRAMA) but I've also had to go to counseling and other stuff. My parents are getting a divorce and school is really sucking.

I've actually become quite sad with everything, deciding that life sucks...and I shouldn't live it. I'm not gonna kill myself or whatever I just... Blah. So my home life is falling apart, my school life is becoming overwhelming, and I have anxiety and depression (I swear I'm not making this up, ask my counselor)

But this isn't about me.

It's about all you AMAZING PEOPLE. Literally I bet nobody's gonna care or even read this, but you guys are the reason why I'm not as depressed as I should be. I literally squeal when I get a notification of you guys voting or commenting.

It's kinda pathetic.

But you guys are so nice and absolutely amazing, I love all of you to pieces and to the moon and back 200 times. I know you probably think I'm weird because, Sara wtf stop they don't know you, but I would love to get to know you guys.

Please, I would actually rejoice and dance around my room if you guys messaged me in private.

I'm repeating myself but I would love to meet you guys and talk about everything and anything.

Other than talking on a friendly note and everything, if you guys EVER need ANYTHING I'm here for you, you know that right?

I hate seeing people suffer and be in agony. I can help you! I want to help! Please feel free to message me. I am here for you! If you have nobody, come to me. I can be your shoulder to cry on and what not.

Just know that I love you all and I would love to talk to you all. I know what it feels like to be alone, suffering in silence. It's not fun.

I have to go to bed now, after a long day of counseling and testing -_-

Goodnight guys, give me something good to wake up to?¿ :) <3

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