Chapter 2

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:( guys it's kinda hard for me rn. I won't be able to update as much....Ive been going to a therapist and she told me I had "Generalized Anxiety Disorder" :(

"Come on!" I snap out of my small trance and rejoin the team of operators.

"She has a punctured lung. We need to perform immediate surgery." The doctor declares, shoving on his blue surgical gloves.

"Niall, I need you to set her up. Sophie, get the tools." He instructs and I'm already by her side at the end of the sentence.

"Hey there kiddo, just calm down. It's gonna be okay." I smile warmly at her, and brush her hair aside as she's gasping for air. She eventually calms down, however she gasps in pain at every breath.

The doctor makes way, and I plug the mask into the loopy gas then place it over her nose and mouth. I kiss her forehead, then back away, letting the professional take charge.

The doctor gets to work, making incisions and ties, sugar and spice and everything that's nice.

He asks me to get certain tools and I obey, retrieving and giving the tools.

I can't help but think how much she looks like..him.

I hope I never have the misfortune to meet him again.


It's almost night time, my shift is over. I'm gathering up my rucksack and coat when I hear a scream.

I drop my possessions and hurriedly make a beeline towards the sound.

It's safaas room.

I open the door knob and see her sitting up right, hacking up blood.

I instantly call for the doctor, and run over to comfort her.

"Honney calm down, it's gonna be okay." I coo, kissing her head. She wraps her small arms around my chest and rests her petite head on my stomach and she hacks and cries.

I pet her hair and the doctor comes in. He swiftly plunges a shot full of clear fluid inside her arm. Within seconds she's asleep, and her arms turn limp and slip off my stomach.

"Call Zayn, she's gonna need some special medicine or an MRI he's gonna choose for her." I nod my head, well fuck.

Just keep it professional.

I glance back at the doctor and he's writing down notes. I hesitantly pick up the phone from the wall and take a deep breath.

I punch in the numbers and hold my breath.





You've reached the voice mail of Zayn Malik. He is currently unavailable and will get back to you soon. Sorry for the inconvenience, leave a message at the beep.


"Um, are the emergency contact for Safaa Malik, she was recently check-"

"Hello princess."

My breath catches in my throat.

"-Edinpleasecomesoonthankyouhaveagooddaybyeee." I rush and hang up the phone. Right after I hang up the phone is trembling with an incoming call.

"Niall you can head home, maybe come around near 1:00am we may need some help with secondary surgery." The doctor instructs and I nod, running out the doors with shaky feet.


"Niall?" I slam the door shut, and look up. I see ed standing there in pajamas.

"Hi Eddy. How was the interview?" I ask, hanging up my coat and placing my shoes in their place in the bench.

"I think it went really well. I don't mean to be cocky, but I have a good chance at getting the job." He smiles widely and I rush into a hug.

"That's wonderful, congrats! We must celebrate!" I rejoice, shaking in his arms.

"Calm down babe, I don't have the job yet," He kisses my forehead," How was your day?"

"It's was," I can't tell him about Safaa. Well I can, I just won't use her name! Genius! "A little girl has punctured lungs. I helped with the surgery." I proudly state.

"My lil helper." He smiles and bops my nose.

After I get my stuff around and get in my pajamas I hop into bed with Ed. I stress myself over waking up around 12/1. If only we had alarms, that'd be helpful.


I snap open my eyes, immediately knowing I overslept. I whip my head towards the clock.

2 am.

Fuck me

I jump out of bed and quickly throw on my work clothes and shoes.

I leave a note for Ed, telling him I'm at work.

I start the car and drive all the way to the hospital, barely awake.

I rush through the doors, signing in and speed walk towards safaas room.

I'm catching my breath when I get there, and lean against the door for a second I almost walk in but I hear a different voice. His voice.

"Yea Zayn! The people here are really nice." I hear a little voice squeal.

"That so? Who's your favorite?" I hear him ask.

"This one nurse. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. I think his name is something like...Nail...he's my favorite!"

"Mine too."

"He's supposed to come back soon. I wanna see him, he's nice. And soft." She giggles.

"I know, Safaa. I think I may look for him for you..." I hear the smile in his voice, "and me." I hear the last part along with a dark chuckle.


I hurriedly push myself off the wall and open the door to the bathrooms.

I lock myself in one of the white cubicles. This is One way to wake up in the morning.

I trace little patterns in the door. Blah this is boring. I rip up some toilet paper.

There's nothing to do.

I check the little watch on my wrist. 2:30 am

Great, now my doctors gonna fire me. I'm 1 hour and 30 minutes late. Maybe I should just go?

I get up and stretch, my hand on the lock ready to release me.

But nope, the door opens.

Okay maybe it's another worker? But it could be Zayn! No don't be stupid it can't be...

I look out the little crack in the door, and there he is.

He looks different in first person. I suck in a breath, making a small noise...fuuuuuck.

He Turns to the sound of the noise, to me, and looks at my cubical. No, no, no...

Blue eyes meet brown.

The look of relief and desperation etch across his features, while I'm assuming the look of pure horror crosses mine.

"Baby, I know you're in there."


Thoughts? COMMENTS?

Haha hope you guys have a good day! :D it's snowing where I am rn :P

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