Chapter 13

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(I sent this to my friends but... The spookiest thing this Halloween is my face XD) HAPPY HALLOWEEN ENJOY THIS UPDATE PLZZZZZ DONT KILL ME I LOVE YOU ALL!!


An ear piercing, shrill ringing echoes throughout the small room. The lights flicker like a candle, then they're extinguished. 

This is how I die? A crazed criminal and my ignorant ex?
I'm not going to swallow my pride. It's a miracle I've made it this far, I can't-


The loud noise is silenced, but replaced by a warm, thick liquid oozing out of my stomach.

He got me.

"Ha, got em" Ed sneers over the loud speakers. (I'm literally 3 tbh)

I flop over on my side and clutch my stomach, hoping that it'll stop my death.

My death.

I grit my teeth and clench my eyes shut. I'm not going to die, I'm not going to die.

With Shaky hands, I slip off my shirt and wrap it around my wound, the bullet is on the ground, it went right through me.

"...dead?.....Lets go.....Leave him...yes! He's on our trial..."

Broken pieces of a conversation stream through the speakers, peaking my curiosity.

Who's on their trail? Where are they leaving to? What's going on?

I try to lean on the wall, to stabilize myself so I can rest.

"...he's alive!...shoot him!" The speaker crackles and the speech becomes drowned in static.

At least I'm getting food, I haven't even been fed this whole time, Nick whus good?!

The metal entrance door creaks open and a stressed out looking Ed makes his way to me.

"Eat up." Ed smirks and throws the food down next to me.

I exaggerate a groan and weakly glance at the food.

"You know, I could make death a lot faster for you." He Looks at my wounded stomach, and his hands go back to his gun.

I muster up all the strength I have left in me, which is a very little amount, and I spit on him.

His smirk only grows, while he wipes off the spit with his thumb. "Ah, you just lost ten minutes of grace time. Now you only have 5 more minutes till you're dead."

All this talk of death makes me shudder in fear, but cry of frustration.

"I loved you more than anything, we were so happy, you were happy! I don't understand how you can just-"

"It's called acting, babe." He cackles and reloads his gun. I've become numb to the sight of this, I was in the war, but also of how much they've used different violence and torture methods on me. Being shot to death is the best way to go.

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