Chapter 10

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Ugh hey guys, sorry it's so so late. I've been stuck and STUPID DRAMA HAS BEEN HOLDING ME UP. I swear to god I'm two seconds away from going psycho on those poor excuses for humans. *has seizure*


I don't even bother going back to the hospital, I'm so confused.

I take one of the papers and slip it into my back pocket.

Why's Ed hiding this from me? I thought he could trust me.

I slowly get out of the car and approach the front door. I unlock the front door and immediately the smell of alcohol invades my nose.

I cautiously walk into the kitchen, the pungent smell prevents me from breathing.

Upon entering the kitchen, I see Ed passed out on the wine red couch his hand thrown over the bottom loosy clutching a bottle of Vodka.

That's odd.....he never drinks...not around me at least. Well might as well clean this all up, he probably had a rough day at work.

I quietly and stealthily walk towards him, trying to prevent him from waking...last time he was this drunk it wasn't pretty. I didn't end up pretty...

I slowly wiggle the bottle from my hands with my heart pounding out of my chest, I don't want a repeat that last time. Black eyes don't look good on me.

All I have to slowly remove the bottle...really slowly now...any second here.


"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Ed roars, swingging at my face. I dodge the attacks, running away from my boyfriend.

"Get back here you little shit." He mutters, getting up from the couch and chasing me. I sprint into the kitchen on shaking legs, don't fall don't fall don't fall.

I'm almost at the door to our room, when I slip on a sock.

Oh shit, I'm fucked (me on a math test lmao)

I fall to the ground, catching myself with my hands and crawling towards the doorway.

But I'm too slow.

Ed grabs my leg, slowly pulling me towards him. His hands are squeezing my skin making sure to leave bruises afterwards. He's taunting me, like a snake with its prey.

"Stop, please!" I beg, squirming my legs within his grasp.

"Not so fast, babe." He sickly smiles, his nails sinking into my ankles.

I don't want to suffer like this, I have to do the only option left.

"I'm sorry Ed." I whisper, kicking him in the face. The blast proven to be hard with the crimson liquid pouring out of his nose.

His arms retreat and tends to his nose, covering it and gingerly touching the wound.

Seeing him distracted, I scramble to my room and lock the door only to have it being pounded on seconds later.

"Niall James Horan, you're gonna regret ever being born after I'm done with you." Ed sneers from outside the door. With one last kick, he's gone.

It takes me a while to get my lungs to properly work again and my body to calm down. But once I do, I get up and pace around.

What the fuck am I going to do.

I have a crazy drunkard on my ass, literally. I can't stay here, he's going to murder me.

Think fast Niall c'mon!

I scan the room, that's it! I'll jump through the window and run. I could hide in the alleyway at the there's rats!

I can't go to my parents, Ed insisted that we moved...there's my work friends?

No! They won't be up this late, I don't want to explain all this. I just don't wanna start shit.

Looks like it's the alleyway.

I carefully unlock the window and throw one leg over. I look down, if I do this right I won't get hurt. I sit on the edge and with one last breath, I fall.

(Ughhhh I wanna stop and eat here but meh)

I clutch the gutter of our house and slide down the second floor, then the first, and then I reach the bottom. As soon as my feet hit the floor I make a run for it.

"Run you little bitch, don't think I won't find you."

I whip my head around to see Ed smirking with some kind of device in his and and the car keys.

Now I'm seriously fucked.

I force my legs faster, my ragged breath and thumping heart being the only thing I can hear.

I have to make It, I have to make it, I have to.

I run and run, only paying attention to the path Infront of me. Maybe if I make turns it'll be harder for him to find me? Yea!

I twist and turn, making jumps and ducks, trying to make my trail undetectable.

I seem to have lost myself in the middle of the local park, well at least I think I'm in the local park. Maybe I'm by the tree reserve.

I slow down, and fall over struggling to breath. I really shouldn't have skipped P.E when I was in school holy JESUS. I need to hit the gym.

I lay in a fetal position, and begin to cry. I'm so fucking scared. What if he finds me? What is he going to do to me? Where am I? I can't-

"There you are."

HERES AN UPDATE AFTER 479202 YEARS YAY!! I hope you guys are still reading this, sorry it's been so long.

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