Chapter 7

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Have I mentioned how much I love when you guys comment? I do, I love it XD it's so awesome. I respond to every single one, please please please feel free to drop a question or thought in the comment section. It makes my day :)

"Remember what I told you Niall!"
Ed sings, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Guess what? I still have a fucking boner!! Ed hasn't noticed, I'm covering it with my hands.

"Yea, yea. Go to work!" I laugh awkwardly, I really need to jack off.

"List our rules babe." I snort under my breath, our rules? Nope, just his.

"One, don't touch Zayn. Two, don't look at Zayn. Three, pretend he doesn't exist. Four, basically pretend he's dead and avoid him at all costs." I recite his words. This won't be so hard..I don't think...

"And if you don't follow those.." He trails off, leaving me to answer.

"You'll break up with me and I'll end up alone and heartbroken." I boringly tell him, playing with the ties on my shirt.

"Good job, babe." He smirks, gently kissing my cheek. He zips up his jacket then waves goodbye. I watch him get in the car and drive to work.

I have to stay home since I have no ride and there's no way in hell I'm walking 16 miles.

I stare down, "hello old friend." I mutter, playing with my right hand.

Ugh but that's too much work, ya know? I just wanna...sit...and do nothing.

Well I have to do something, hey, I haven't checked the Telly for a while.

I plop down on the couch and flip through the channels. This is all so boring.

Aw yus, mother..frickin...medical documents! Time to learn about Multiple Personality Disorder.

After watching for a good 40 minutes I become sleepy. Just one nap won't hurt.


Ugh what year is it? I peel open my heavy eyelids and see I've fallen asleep on the boxers. Hmm, something doesn't seem right.

Oh yea! I don't have a dog, I should get one.

I sit up and have a blanket slide down my chest. I didn't sleep with a blanket??

Oh well! It was probably Ed, Thanks Ed, love you.

Wait, I check the time. 3:30. Eds still at work! Maybe I sleep walk! No, I don't do that..

Who else could get in my house? I have Oh yea my parents!

That's random. Time to take a shower.

I get up and hunch over to my bathroom, I turn on the water and strip down from my boxers....wait

My parents wouldn't dress me in pink lace silk...

After I emerge from the shower, I decide to make a chocolate shake with some banana chunks to make it healthy. Haha just kidding why would I make it healthy? Ew!

Wait..ugh, I put in one small slice of banana and begin to devour the sweet. I'm an awesome cook, if I say so myself.

I take my cup to the window and gaze at the scenery, I hate to say it, but outside is beautiful.

I study the birds, observe the squirrels but when I'm watching the ants I swear I see the bush move. I see a flash of a body then it's gone as soon as it's here.

There could've been someone out there!!


Nah, I should help them.

I place my shake down, and slip on shoes. Opening the door, I go outside, and shut it behind me.

Hiss, sunlight!

I stride towards the same bush and gingerly place my hand on the canopy, then pull towards me violently.


Huh, I guess there's some little bunnies, they're cute.

Oh well, better not disturb them. I venture back into my house but I see my door is already open.

Stupid Niall, I scold myself. I shouldn't leave my door open! Think of all the things that could enter!

I step inside and close the door behind me. Might as well finish my shake.

I look at my cup and see a note is at the bottom.

What the¿?

I slowly move the cup and see the note.

I instantly recognize the writing, again.

I'd much rather prefer you eat my banana xx

The xx's are new, but the dirty mind, that's the same.

Stupid Zayn, ugh I just wanna eat away my problems.

Remind me to never pick up bananas from the store again.


Hey guys! :D this was a little chapter, right after drama practice. MY DRAMA CAST AND TEACHERS SUCK MASSIVE BALLS. I hope they all die :)

How was your day? :P

Love y'all's <3

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