Chapter 11

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;* I love you all, and I love tricking people >:) GET READY FOR MINDFUCK :D


Nialls POV

I clench my eyes can't be.

Not now! I thought he was dead, that he moved...Nick can't be here, he's a fucking psycho!

"Thought you've seen the last of me, bitch? Surprise." The dreaded voice snarls, kicking my side.

"Get up you pathetic piece of shit, I've got plans for you."

I'm so fucked, you might as well just pronounce me dead. I weakly crawl to my knees then stand up on my wobbling legs. I peer up at his only to see he's smirking down at me, holding the same device Ed had when he was watching me leave...

"Get in the car." Nick instructs, shoving me to his sleek black vehicle. I trudge my way towards The front only to be stopped and thrown in the trunk like some kind of animal.

Nick proceeds to blindfold me and gag me, being as rough as he could possibly be.

He starts the car, making me jerk backward and hit my head on the back wall. The rest of the ride is black.


"Wake up, Niall."


"I said wake up!"


Ow! My eyes open and squint at the harsh light shoved in my face. Ed?!

What's going on?

"Wh-what are you doing?" I question in an inferior voice, I don't have any power when I'm with him.

"What does it look like?" He rhetorically asks in a sicking sweet voice, and he assembles some type of mechanical device.

"You were drunk?" He can't be sober so quickly, it been nearly an hour.

"Acting, babe." He lightly slaps my cheek, walking towards Nick who is just now entering the room.

God I fucking hate those...those...cock sucking, shit eating, slutty, bitchy, white people.

Yea, I just went there.

I sigh, now what am I supposed to do? I can't just sit here and wait for death, nor can I break away and escape.

So you can see how this is a problem.

I observe the room that I'm held captive in. Throw back to prison times..with him.

Liam's still alive, that's good. I hope he's found someone that makes him happy. I hope Zayns moved on...but then again..I hope he still loves me..he still stays.(ZAYN IS LEAVIN 1D STAY MY BABE ZAYN YOU CANT DO DIS IM TOO YOUNG MY BODY IS NOT READY)

As a matter of fact, I've barely caught up with any of my army friends. Well I mean half them are dead...oh well.

I glance up at the wall, stone hard concrete. Actually, to my disappointment, the whole place is made out of concrete...except one wall. It looks like brick, eh it might just be the shadow. The shadow is from the one light source we have, a small candle dangerously close to my face. I bet that was intentional.

Does this have to do with what I found in the car? The papers? Ha, I took them. Oh you can't handle me, I'm such a rebel.

Wow I'm so stupid.

Shut up.

Fine ugh.


I sigh and shake my head, what have I become?!

My eyes glaze over the floor, then they stop. Hold up, is that a snake?!

Oh my god it is! A snake! Keep your cool Niall, it's all good, don't show fear.

It's coming closer! It's almost a foot's at my foot.. It's slithering around. I let out a small squeak, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Oh, look who's afraid of snakes Nick?" Ed spat, amined towards Nick.

"We should help him get over it." Nick evilly smiles, walking over and collecting the snake.

He has a glass cup in his hand, and a knife in the other. He abruptly kills the snake, dropping it's head in the cup. He then proceeds to skin the snake and drain it's blood into the cup. He adds a couple of scales and guts for good measure.

I think I'm going to barf.

"Drink it."

And now I barf, I turn my head and hurl my dinner.

"Wait, add this." Ed smirks, handing Nick some pills which he smirks at. Ed not so discreetly hold up some device , hooked up to a machine.

"Don't be so excited, I'll get to that in a bit." Nick laughs, taking the pills and mixing together it with his knife.

"Drink up, babe."

I turn my head, no way in hell.

Is he insane?!

"Ed, you know what to do." All of the sudden Ed is behind me and forces my mouth open. Nick pours the Dark liquid down my throat, forcing it inside me.

"Lets go." Nick commands, walking out. Before he shuts the door, he pulls a switch. There's a loud thump and i feel heavy sacks brush against me. One falls on my legs, it feels kinda wet...

"Have fun with your friends babe."

I squint in the darkness and try to feel what the bags are. That's not a bag...that's an arm..

Stay calm, you're expecting the worse. He did not dump a bunch of dead bodies on you, calm down.

I take deep breaths to try and calm myself down, it's going to be okay.

Who am I kidding?! I'm going to die!

I squirm around my chair in panic, causing the arm on my leg to brush against my bare knee. I feel something hard and uniquely sculpted on my knee. A ring?

They took away someone's husband! That's sick! How could they? The ring slid felt familiar. Circle ring with two studs..oh god.

That's Josh's ring, they killed josh, one of the soldiers i was with.

Is this whole room filled with my past army this some kind of hit list?!

If it is...I'm next, and I'm going to die.

Did anyone except this? Haha I'm going to bed, goodnight babes. I love you all :D


Lol like...when's your birthday? And how old are y'all's?

I'm 13, 14 on 4/19 ;)

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