Chapter 1

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The first few chapters are gonna be rather short sorry. Safaa ^ what a cutie. Also ed and Niall
(You all know who's POV it's gonnna be in XD)

Nialls POV

I'm hustling around for work at the hospital when Ed stops me.

"Babe, you know where the coffee pot is?"

I fondly roll my eyes. "Over the kitchen stove, next to the clock!" I respond, buttoning up my shirt quickly.

My job starts earlier in the day, Ed has a job interview later today so he gets to kick back.

"I gotta go, byee Goodluck on the interview!" I call out to him, I don't say 'I love you' or give him a kiss today. I still feel anxious about yesterday and the news...and Zayn.

Ugh forget him, just some crazy ex. I'll ask Ed to help me out with him.

I turn on the radio, ready to listen to some music.

"And now we have a throw back! Get your lovers ready because here we go!"

Whatever it's probably a stupid song anyways.

Baby, baby yeah, are you listenin'?
Wondering, where you've been, all my life
I just started living
Oh, baby are you listenin' oh?
When you say you love me
Know I love you more

Nope nope nope. I switch off the radio, I'm not in the mood.

I drive for a couple more minutes until I'm at the hospital doors. I get out of my car and approach my work with a proud smile. I love my job.

"Good morning, Sam." I call out, greeting the desk clerk.

"Good morning, Niall. You here for a full shift?" She's asks and I nod my head, let's get into this.

Since I'm a nurse, I don't operate or do full hands on activities. I usually sit in the backround, and help when needed.

I enter room 302, and my favorite face comes into contact.

"Niall!" Jessy smiles, her massive brown hair bouncing.

"Jess-sea-ka, I mock her name playfully, knowing it's okay seeing the 11 year old smile.

"How are you today?" I ask, checking her monitors for any changes. She's a leukemia patient.

"Good, feeling real good. I'm golden! Golden like my crackers." She holds up some golden gram crackers and starts munching on them. What a cute kid.

I fix up her room while keeping a light chat about her favorite television shows to distract her.

Once I'm done I move onto the next rooms that I clean.

While I'm in the hall I'm roughly shoved against the wall.

"Everybody outta the way, we have a 3356, everybody move!" The doctor commands.

"Niall I need your help, come!" He instructs and I rush to the rescue.

He pushes the body down to the ICU, strangely she's looks like Zayn..stop Niall.

"Doctor what's the name of this patient?" I ask, just doing my duties as a nurse and filling out the papers.

"Safaa Malik, her emergency contact is Zayn Malik.."

I can't here the rest of what he's saying....oh shit.


Should I stop this book? There seems to be no reads or no votes or comments :(

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