Chapter 12: The Interrogation

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Emmas pov

I walked in and sat back down where I was. "He's gone. So your name is?" I asked. "That comes later," she said. Not in the mood to argue I went along with it. "Where are your parents," I asked. She took a deep breath as if this would be hard to say. "They're not here," she said softly. "Where are they then," I asked. "Not important," she said. Getting tired of all of her half answers I continued. "Why did you break into Gold's shop?" She just shook her head. "It's not breaking in if you didn't intend to be there," she said as if the answer was obvious. "Expain," I said still confused. "I'm from the future," she said. "The what," I asked hardly believing what she said. "The future. You know what's yet to pass," she said. "That's -not- how," I stuttered. "I came here, to try and save someone I love," she said quietly. "And he is," I continued. "Not important," she shrugged. I was getting annoyed by her saying that. "So what can you tell me," I asked. With a deep breath she said, "Look if I tell you now, it could mess everything up." When she spoke, she did it quietly. She never looked up and was constantly playing with her curly brown hair. "You do realize you could change everything about the life you know just by being here, if I were you I'd just go back," I said. "No, you're the one who sent me," she said finally looking at me. "I was with you," I asked. "Yeah," she said shaking her head. "No- you're lying," I said in disbelief. "Use your superpower, you know I'm telling the truth," she said. She was right, but how did she know that? "Leia," she said. "What," I asked. "My name is Leia," she said again. "I'm your daughter," she said in a quiet tone.

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