Chapter 3: Grannys

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Emmas pov
"Swan," I heard Killian's familiar voice say after I picked up the phone. "Yes," I said. "I was wondering what you were doing this morning," he responded. "I've got to go," Henry whispered. I just nodded and we started to walk downstairs. "I'm just taking Henry to school," I said. "Grannys?" "Sure, be there in 15," I said before I hung up. I drove Henry to school and then made my way back to grannys.
The bells on the door chimed as I walked in. And I saw Killian who sat with his back to me at a booth in the back corner. "Hey," I said sitting across from him. "Hello love, sorry I didn't hear you walk in," he said. I just shrugged. "What can I get you guys," Ruby asked. "I'll just have a hot cocoa with cinnamon," I told her. She nodded before turning her attention to Killian. "I'll have what the lady is having," he told Ruby though his gaze never left mine. "Coming right up," Ruby said with a smile as she walked back towards the kitchen. "What," I said turning to Killian noticing he was still looking at me. "Nothing," he said looking at his hook. I let out a deep breath. "What is wrong," I asked again. "I'm fine," he said defensively. I just tilted my head and looked at him. "You're lying," I whispered leaning a but closer. "Bloody hell, forgot about the lie thing," he said. "So I was right. Something is wrong. What is it?" I asked feeling satisfied I was right but nervous about what his answer would be. "Nothing's wrong, I just like having my heart," he said with a shrug. He was about to say something else but was interrupted by Ruby setting down a mug of hot cocoa in front of him. "Thanks," he said as she set mine down. "Uh- huh," she said cheerfully before walking away. "Have you ever had it before," I asked. "Honestly, no I haven't," he said picking up the mug and taking a sip. "Not bad," he said taking another sip. I let out a small laugh as I began to drink mine.

Later that day...

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