Chapter 34

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Jades POV:
I woke up the next morning and saw perrie still passed out from the night before. I stood up and got my balance and put my black Calvins back on and rubbed the back of my head yawning. I looked at the clock which read 7:26am and put on a spare T-shirt from my favourite band nirvana on going over to Amelia who was still asleep in her car seat. I smiled at her she was beautiful. I picked her up and she let out a little noise like a whine and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Good morning beautiful" my mum said as I went downstairs and I smiled at her tiredly and went to the fridge and got some spare milk we brought for Amelia and shook her a little.She woke up slightly and I smiled and out some music on to stop her crying. She rubbed her eye and laid there looking at me "hey baba" I said and sat her in a high chair giving her her bottle. "I'm so proud of you" my mum said "just standing here watching you with her your dad would be so proud" I nodded "thanks mum" I said and she put her arm around me and hugged me "when are you telling her" she said and I shrugged "I don't know" I said. I'd planned to go back into the army it's the only thing I have a passion for I just might not tell her and leave. "Tell me what" I heard and I looked over and saw her in the doorway. "Umm" I said "I'll let you too talk" my mum said and went upstairs. "This best not be what I'm thinking" she said coming over and crossing her arms. "I'm going back" she huffed and rubbed her temples "why can you not just get over it jade" I huffed "because I can't my best friend and my dad both died and I let them" I said "no you didn't they died ok and you can't do anything about that jade you just can't ok now shut it" I pushed her "fuck you" she said and pushed me back. We got into a little fight and I ended up with a cut lip and she ended up with a red cheek. She looked at me and let out a breath. "I'm done" she said and went upstairs. She came down and walked out the front door. I took the keys off her and she stared walking up the road. "Perrie stop walking away" I said and she turned around "your going to leave me and are 6 kids jade just so you can be a hero to make your ego even bigger" I rolled my eyes "well I need army work then in this country" she sighed "why is it such a big problem" I shouted "because I'm scared" she shouted back and sighed and turned rubbing her head. I went over and placed my hands on her sides kissing her shoulder "I'll be ok" I said and she turned around and hugged me "I don't want to wake up to someone telling me your dead baby it's my worst nightmare" she said. "You won't I'll be safe I promise" I felt my shoulder was wet so I knew she was crying "I need you" I hugged her tight not wanting to ever let go "you still have me ok" i looked into her beautiful blues and she nodded "sorry I shouldn't hold you back" she sniffed and wiped her eyes. "Look at me" I said and she looked up I wiped her eyes with the pads of my thumbs and kissed her gently. "We should go in I don't think the farmer wants to see you in your boxers" she said and I laughed a little and took her hand.

Perries POV
Madelaine came down in the late afternoon looking rough. "Afternoon" I said and she groaned. "You look tired mads you want breakfast" Layla said shoving toast in her face. "Piss off you little brat" she said and rested her head on the table "first hang over" I said wand rubbed her shoulders and she nodded "I'm still not letting you get away with talking to your sister like that"she groaned and mumbled something "sorry Layla" she said and I smiled at the younger one and kissed her head. Jade came down holding Damien close to her. "Baby we gotta talk" she said and nodded her head towards him" I nodded. "Ok" I said and we went upstairs where it was just me jade Damien and Amelia. "What's wrong buddy" I said. He looked up at jade "damiens been getting bullied by the boys at school that's why he never wants to go" I looked at my little boy who was staring at the floor "baba why didn't you tell me" I said lifting him onto my knee. "Because you have jake and Amelia to look after" he cried and I pulled him into me "I have all my baby's to look after" I said and he looked up "and especially this big baby" I squeezed jades cheeks and he smiled. "We'll talk to your school ok" he nodded and smiled. "Thank you" he said and hugged me and jade. "You won't embarrass me though will you" he said and me and jade laughed a bit. "Corse not were so cool why would we ever do that" jade said and Damien smiled. "Go on go get some breakfast if your sisters haven't scoffed it all" jade said tapping his backside. I watched in awe as she smiled watching him go out the room "your a good parent bubba" I said and squished her cheeks together kissing her. She smiled and pecked my lips again. "Love you" I smiled "love you too"

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