Chapter 36

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It was a Saturday night and everyone all the kids were in bed except from Madeleine as she'd gone out with her friend tillly. Jade had her arm around her wife as they binge watched a new serial killer series on netflix. As they heard the front door open jade checked the time. They'd given madelaine a 10:30pm curfew and now it was 11:26 perrie went into the kitchen to give madelaine a telling off as she hadn't text or called. She went through the door into the kitchen and heard Madeline crying which broke her heart. No one likes to see their children upset ever. Perrie made her way over and put her hand on her daughters shoulder "baby what's wrong" she said and madelaine turned. She had a bruise forming on her eye and blood pouring out her nose not to mention the rip she had in her jacket. "Oh god what happened" perrie asked embracing madelaine into a tight hug fearing the worse. "I I was at that party with Tilly and v Vanessa was with her new boyfriend and she got drunk a and started flirting and he thought I was hitting in her a and he did this" she sobbed out clutching onto her mother's sweatshirt. Perrie rubbed her back and kissed her head gently "did he touch you" she shook her head, after this response perrie was relieved but still so upset that her eldest was hurt. "Where's Tilly baba?" Perrie asked "getting some first aid stuff out her car" perrie nodded. "Ok take your jacket off baby" madelaine did this and winced holding her side. Tilly came in the door and rushed over to madelaine. Perrie loved Tilly she was so nice and been the best friend of madelaine since they were 9. After hearing the business in the kitchen jade got up going in and was distraught to see he daughter in such a state "what the fuck happened" jade said and lifted madelaines chin up looking at her face "it's nothing mama I'm ok" she said. She knew jade would kill the boy when she found him. "Tell me what happened" jade said looking at madelaines best friend. Once she did jade got her jacket and shoes. "Tilly come with me" jade said "no mama stop you'll make it worse it's done now ok so just leave it" she said and held onto jade so she wouldn't move. Jade held her eldest in her arms gently stroking her head. Perrie watched them and her heart swelled. "I'll get you both some ice" she said and got some wrapping it in 2 cloths. She gave one to madelaine for her eye and the other to Tilly for her hand. "What happened to you" madelaine said moving over "I just punched him" she said making madelaine smile "thank you" she said and kissed her. Tilly pulled back "I didn't think you wanted them to know" she said lowly "I don't care anymore" she said holding her hand. "Mum, mama we got something to tell you" madelaine said making the pair turn around "what is it darling" jade said "me and Tilly are dating" the older couple beamed. "I win" perrie said making her wife pout "win what?" Tilly questioned. "We made a bet because she didn't believe me that you two were dating" perrie said. "How did you know" madelaine said smiling "you think I don't see you two kissing and cuddling, I told you mads I don't miss a thing" perrie said and made the younger couple smile. "We'll done baby we're proud of you" jade said embracing her daughter in a hug. She looked at Tilly "you best look after her" jade said and Tilly nodded intimidated by her girlfriends mum. "Babe you'll scare the poor girl" perrie said moving her wife and mbracing them both in a hug. "We are proud of you both though" perrie smiled as jade wrapped her arm around her waist. "Ok we're off to bed you two have fun" perrie said leading her wife away "but not too much we hear everything" jade said and walked away leaving madelaine blushing out of embarrassment.
As perrie and jade made there way upstairs they shared a long kiss in the hallway before the bedroom door to the right opened and out walked jake butt naked as always. "Did you go to the toilet all by yourself" perrie asked and he nodded "where's your pjs buddy" jade asked and he rubbed his eyes "on the floor in me room" he said and yawned "ok let's tuck you back in" perrie said and picked him up. "Why does no one ever have cloths on its always the boys, madelaine and you who I see naked" perrie asked and her wife laughed a little and shrugged "we like to be free" she said and kissed her wife's cheek. The couple tucked jake back in bed and kissed his head making there own way to bed. As perrie laid down she put her head on her wife's shoulder. "What you thinking" jade said tracing patterns on her wife's back. "I'm just worried about mads I don't want her to get hurt" she said and jade sighed "I'm sure she'll be fine baby Tilly's a good person she wouldn't hurt are baby" perrie nodded. "I know but I'm on about like she got beat up for nothing I remember when we did on that bus just for being us" jade kissed her wife's head "it's never safe for anyone to be there authentic self baby it's a scary world" perrie nodded as the pair slowly went to sleep.

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