Chapter 4

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*2 weeks later*
Perries POV:
I woke up the next morning feeling sore from the last couple of nights activities. I rolled over and saw jade was fast asleep. I kissed her cheek and put her T-shirt on. When I was downstairs I made her breakfast I felt weird it was a good weird though. It's hard to explain. I didn't have an appetite so I went upstairs and gave jade her breakfast. I put it on the bedside table and straddled her "baby wake up" I stroked her chest. She stirred and her eye lids opened slowly revealing her chocolate brown eyes. "What a way to wake up" she sounded croaky because she'd just woken up. "I made you breakfast bubba just how you like it" she smirked and placed her hands on my hips. "I'd prefer something else to eat" she licked her lips and bit her lip looking at me up and down. "No baby I don't feel well this morning" she raised her eyebrows and kissed my cheek.
Once jade had had her breakfast she got ready to go to the gym. I'd not felt well at all I was sick this morning and was dizzy it'd probably go though.
Jades POV:
I'd just done a session at the gym and I was driving home I decided to stop at the shops and buy some food for the house and a present for perrie because she wasn't well so I decided to buy her a teddy. I was a little worried about her she hadn't ate all day and she doesn't want to move.
I got to the house and went in perrie was asleep on the couch snuggled in a blanket hugging my hoodie. I sat next to her and stroked her blonde locks. She stirred and then opened her baby blues and looked up at me. "How are you feeling" she sat up and squinted "ok just a bit sore" I pouted and felt her head. She didn't have a temperature and she looked fine. "I got you something" she smiled a bit and blushed. "Close your eyes" she rolled her eyes and closed them. I licked my lips at the sight of her and kissed her softly she kissed back immediately threading her fingers in my hair. She laid me on the sofa and carried on kissing me. "You stink" she smiled and pecked my lips again. I laughed "I smell bad babe you smelt yourself" she giggled and kissed me. "What are you hiding anyway" she said grabbing behind my back. "Nothing beautiful go shower now you stink" she smiled and got up and I spanked her she smiled at me over her shoulder and ran upstairs.
*2 weeks later*
Perries POV:
"No don't go" I wined clinging onto her. "Babe you'll be fine I'll just be gone for 5 months that's not long it'll fly by" I really didn't want jade to go back to The military. "It won't you have no idea how much I miss you" she smiled and kissed me. "Yeah and I'll miss you as well ok so much but this is my dream and you'll be busy in the studio won't you" she said raising  her eyebrows which caused me to laugh. "Yes I'll be busy writing love songs about you" she smiled and just picked me up kissing me. "First of all your the cutest and secondly my mam rang and said you were still sick why didn't you tell me" I looked down I knew exactly what was wrong with me but I didn't know how jade would feel. "Uhh I didn't want to bother you that's all I'll go to the doctors" I smiled and kissed her she rested her hands on my ass and sighed into the kiss. I saw a tall man with curly hair walking to jade her put his arm over her shoulder and she stiffened up "thirlwall how are you doing" he smirked looking at my cleavage I shifted uncomfortably. "And who's this sexy thing" he put his hand on my ass just where jades was. She gave him a hard look and pushed him away from me "my girlfriend asshole don't you ever fucking touch her again alright" he squared up to jade "and what are you gonna do" it made me physically sick thinking of his hands on me. "Jade leave it" I grabbed her upper arm as the captain came over "ok ladies break it up" he said pushing them apart. The man laughed and walked off. "Sorry about that baby" she smiled apologetically.
The captain ordered all the soldiers to board the boat which made me pout. Jade smiled and picked up her backpack and threw it over her shoulder "Well this is me" she grinned and I smiled sadly. I could feel my tears welling up "jade I Love you" she smiled and put her bag down and hugged me tight. "Come on you never cry and I've been gone longer than this before ok please don't cry"she pleaded holding my face to her. "I'm sorry" I wiped my face and hugged jade smiling. "Have a good time write to me whenever you get the chance ok I love you lots and lots" she smiles and looked into my eyes holding my hands "I will I promise and get checked at the doctors please I've gotta go I love you perrie" I smiled and kissed her again. "Go ok before I strap you down and keep you here" she smiled and walked off still holding my hand her fingers stroked across mine then she was gone I brought my hand to my stomach and stroked it as there boat set off. I knew when I saw her again things would be different.

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