Chapter 27

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Perries POV:
Me and jade sat in the waiting room I'd cancelled the appointment this morning to check on the twins and make sure they were ok. Liv hit her head pretty hard and was still unconscious. "It'll be ok" I said to jade who was just staring into space "I hope so" she said and I nodded and rubbed her knee. "Let's go get a tea ok" she smiled a little and stood up taking my hand. We both took 1 look at are little girl before going around the corner. "Let's just be distracted ok" I smiled and kissed her before she started to order the drinks for us. "Are my babies wanting anything" jade said stroking the left side of my bump. "How about one of those cupcakes to share" she smiled and turned around asking for that too. I really couldn't help but stare at her she was FIT. Well beyond that like she's literally flawless. She's got amazing arms which are a little muscly from all her army stuff. But she has beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile too. She also has a lovely bum which is very very nice to look at. We walked over to a table set for 2 people whilst we waited for are drinks and I just stared at her. "Nice view" jade asked and smiled. God that smile. "Lovely view" she nodded and smiled at me "well don't you two look like a happy married couple" my mam said coming in with madelaine. "Yeah I guess we do" I said and jade smiled at me. "You have a good day at school" I said to my over beautiful daughter as she sat on jades knee. "She's not talked to anyone I don't think you'll get anything out of her" I looked at madelaine who had a big pout on her lips as she played with jades hair. "Is liv gonna be ok" she said and jade looked at me and then nodded "yeah she's gonna be fine baby" jade said and I nodded sliding my cake over to madelaine causing her to smile "thank you mummy" she said and started eating. "Should we head back" she asked I nodded and went to pick madelaine up and jade stopped me. "I don't think so your pregnant no way am I letting you lift her" I rolled my eyes and sat down outside live room again. The doctor came out and smiled at us a little "would you like to talk somewhere more private" he asked and we both nodded and walked into his office leaving madelaine with my mam. As we sat down I grabbed jades hand as we sat down preparing myself for the worst. "Well it's not that serious Olivia has a slightly fractured skull which we can fix" we both sighed in relief and the doctor pushed some pictures of olivias skull over the table "here's the fracture" he said pointing to the crack on her skull "and she has what we call raccoon eyes which is bruising under the eyes because she hit the basal part of her skull it'll take around 2-3 weeks to go" jade nodded and smiles "so is she awake" the doctor nodded "you can see her before we take her to surgery to push the fragments back into her skull" it sounded painful. Me and jade both walked into livs room and she looked awful. She was paler and looked tired but the most worrying thing was the raccoon eyes. She had 2 dark purple bruises under her eyes. "Mummy mama" she cried holding her arms out. Me and jade both rushed over and hugged her tightly. "Hurting" she said and cried even more it broke my heart and jades."I know baby but the doctors gonna make it all go away alright" she nodded sadly sniffed clinging onto both me and jade tight. Jade rubbed my back and we both kissed olivias head. "We're ready to take her in now" the doctor said and I looked down at a worried liv "take me where" she said holding onto jade. "The doctors making you better ok because you hurt your head" jade said and kissed her hand. I took off my necklace and put it olivias hand. "You know whag that necklace means" she nodded "family" I smiled and nodded "were all with you ok baby girl me and mama and mads and the twins everyone who you love" she nodded and me and jade hugged her and kissed her head before the doctor wheeled her out the room. "It'll be ok" jade said and rubbed my shoulder. "I know I just hope everything goes ok" jade rubbed under my bump "it's gonna be fine" I smiled and hugged her.

Jades POV:
I came back from getting w cup of tea and saw Perrie asleep on the chair with madelaine on her knee also asleep. This is all I need in my life my beautiful girlfriend and my kids. I can't believe how much everything's changed throughout the last 4 years. Me and Perrie have had a beautiful child then 6 months later we adopt a 6year old kid. Next we have 4 years of amazing birthdays and Christmas'. Then she falls pregnant with not 1 but 2 baby's. Jesus no wonder I'm feeling old all of that and we're only 22. I want to marry her so bad but now isn't the time. I've got the ring ready. I just need to know how to do it.
An- any suggestions on the proposal 🥺

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