Chapter 12

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Perries POV:
I was driving home from dropping jade off I didn't feel like I usually did when she left. Usually I just went home later on the sofa with ice cream and watched sad romance films and mopped around the whole time she was gone. But this time I had a spring in my step I think it was because of liv it's like I still had a piece of jade at home and I had a job now to keep me distracted I actually love teaching the kids. I teach year six which is when your like 9 and 10 years old. I only have work tomorrow which I'm looking forward too. I got home and jades mum was there with Olivier watching some kids songs in youtube. I walked in and liv looked at me and balled her fists shaking her hands at me "heya princess was you good for nanna today" Norma nodded ""she was as good as gold" I put liv on her play mat and she crawled about tapping the pictures on it. "How was jade" Norma asked sounding a bit nervous "good very stubborn though I suggested that she should get a normal job and she shut me down straight away" Norma sighed and shook her head "that girl never listens to anyone" liv started shouting playing with her figurines.

I don't know how I'm gonna cope with liv in my own it was feeding time and she was having non of it. She wouldn't open her mouth at all no matter how hard I tried "liv please let me feed you it's nearly bedtime" she closed her mouth even more. How am I gonna cope with this baby.

The next day I went to work and the kids filtered into the class room. Math was first and we were doing fractions. Great. I started teaching and a girl came into the class late. Her name was madelaine she was a quiet girl and she didn't talk a lot. I walked over and she fidgeted in her seat "madelaine why are you late" she looked down "I'm I'm sorry miss Edwards my mum slept in again" she looked up and had a red mark on her cheek. "Ok stay in at break alright we can have a little chat" she nodded and sat in her chair. I carried on teaching and walked around the class helping the kids.

At break I rang jade. "Hey babe" she said down the phone "hey bubba how are you" she sighed "missing you how's Olivier" I finished for marking the kids homework and put the pen down "being a little shit she won't eat and cried 7 times last night so I just let her sleep in our bed" she laughed down the phone "she's clearly missing me then" it's true I think she was she never acted up. "I miss you baby a lot" there was a little knock on the door and madelaine popped her head around the corner "babe I gotta go I'll ring you later" I pulled a chair out and Madelaine sat down "ok love you bye" I put the phone down and turned to madelaine "Hello madelaine hows your day going" she nodded and murmured that it was ok "so why were you late this morning" she fidgeted in her chair "Umm my mum slept in again" I nodded I took some notes subtly "ok what happened to your cheek it's still red like this morning" she looked down "can't say" she was shy so I get it I was shy in school too "look madelaine when I'm at school I treat all the kids in our class like their my own ok and as a mum myself I need to know if your ok" if I ever found out anyone was hurting Olivier I would kill them no matter who they are. She burst into tears and as a teacher you can only comfort a student by saying it was ok but I couldn't see this girl be sobbing any longer I walked over and sat next to her and hugged her and she cried into me. "Hey it's ok we can talk about it ok you'll be ok come on what's going on you can trust me ok" she nodded and I handed her a tissue. "M my mums new boyfriend hits me and he spends all the money on him and mum so I don't eat a lot and mum doesn't even care about me anymore" I nodded and rubbed her shoulder "when was the last time you ate" she shrugged. "A couple of days ago" I nodded "well I was just about to go and get some food if you'd like to come I knew what you were going to say so I asked the principal and he said you can come with me ok" she nodded and put her coat on "miss Edwards Umm thank you" I smiled and took her hand and lead her to the car and put her seatbelt on. I put some music on to calm the mood she hummed along. "Do you like music" she nodded "me too who's your favourite singer or band" I was just trying to make a general conversation "I like Ariana grande and Billie eilish" I smiled "me too" when we got to the traffic lights I got out Billie eilish's Album and played that on the way there.

We got to the food place and sat down I let her order an adult meal because it would fill her for longer and she started eating as soon as it came. "Miss can you tell me more about you" she smiled shyly "yeah well my names Perrie Edwards I'm 20 and I love Disney and I have a daughter called Olivier she's 6 months old and I have a girlfriend called jade who works in the army so she isn't here a lot" she nodded "why do you have a girlfriend and not a boyfriend" we really need to teach kids about the lgbtq community in there early ages "we'll I don't really like boys so I like girls" she nodded.

Once we finished eating it was already 4pm so school finished 50 minutes ago for her. I got back to school and she sat in the office "Perrie I need to talk to you" the principal said coming out of his office. "What seems to be the problem Lucas" he looked out the room and shut the door "madelaine's mum rang saying that she's flew to America and abandoned madelaine what are we going to do" I was so mad that she'd just been left like she was nothing "I'll take her for tonight and then we can see what it's like after" he nodded and I walked out to her. "Madelaine come here" she slowly walked over "yes miss" she sighed "Umm your going to come stop with me tonight ok" she teared up "my mums left hasn't she" I nodded and hugged her and she cried into me. I tucked some hair behind her ear "hey you'll be ok come on I'll make you a big dinner when we get to mine" she smiled "can I have ice cream for dessert" she rubbed her eyes and smiled up at me "only if your good" I smiled and took her hand and we walked out the door.

When we got home Norma was feeding Olivier and katie walked in behind me holding her hand "hi Perrie oh and who's this" she gestured towards madelaine. "This is madelaine she's one of my students we're looking after her tonight" Norma nodded "madelaine go ahead into there do you know how to work the tv" she nodded and walked in looking around "so why's she really here" Norma said putting the kettle on "her mum abandoned her she's been treated badly by her mums boyfriend as well so she's stopping tonight and we'll just have to see about tomorrow" Norma nodded and smiled "you look at her with such love in your eyes Perrie" I smiled "I don't and speaking of love have you heard from jade" Norma shook her head and carried on smiling.

It got to night time and I'd got Olivier to sleep at 7pm. Madelaine was falling to sleep on the sofa next to me I'm not surprised tho it got to 10pm and she was still clinging on trying to stay awake. "I think it's bed time" she nodded tiredly and I picked her up which was quite easy she was very light. I took her into my room because we didn't have a spare room and got one of my t-shirts out for her. "Go on go and change in the bathroom" she nodded and walked into the bathroom. I got changed into some appropriate pjs and she came in. "Where am I sleeping" I patted my bed and she got in. I got in next to her and she snuggled into my side cutely. I smiled and kissed the necklace jade got me. Hoping that she'd know I was thinking of her. Day 1 without my girl.

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