Chapter 29

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Jades POV:
We were sat at the table in the restaurant and I smiled at Perrie. "You look beautiful" she smiled "you look gorgeous though baby" I smiled and just stared at her. I couldn't help but stare at her. "I remember are first date" she smiled "me too it was perfect" I smiled "mhm it was I made sure of it I took you to the beach at Newcastle" she smiled "I miss home" I nodded "me too London's good but it's not home" she smiled. "Why don't we go" I said and she smiled "I'd love too baby but we have 2 kids at home" I shrugged "your dads looking after them come on a little road trip" she smiled "oh go on then" she smiled and we got up and got in the car.

We were about 20 minutes away from the beach and she was asleep. I grew nervous thinking about the proposal. I shook her. "We're here" she smiled and got out the car holding my hand. "Perrie I love you" she smiled "I love you too" I nodded "Perrie you've been my rock for 6 years" she nodded and heals her stomach. "And I love you so much" she nodded and heals onto my arm and winced "what's wrong" she heals into my t shirt "I think I'm going into labour" I shook my head and heals her up. "Your only 7 and a half months" she gripped my arm really tight. "Ok I'll get you to the hospital" she nodded and I put my arm around her waist holding her up.

Perries POV:
We got to the hospital and I was in excruciating pain. "Ok your only 2cm dilated so we just have to wait till you get too 10 then we can start with the giving birth" I nodded and winced. "Will they be ok though it's only 7 and a half months" the doctor nodded "it should be fine" jade nodded and sat back next to me holding my hand. "See it's gonna be ok" she reassured me. I smiled and heals her hand drifting off to sleep but the babies didn't want that they woke me up by another contraction. Poor jade didn't know what to do she just heals my hand not saying a lot. "Trust these to wanna come early" she smiled and kissed my head "they wanna see there beautiful mummy" I smiled and another contraction came. It's just a waiting game now.

Jades POV:
It was 2 days later and Perrie had only just became dilated enough to start actually giving birth. She was in a lot of pain. I heard her hand tightly I didn't know what to do and it all went so fast there was doctors coming in and out the room. Everything was a blur until I heard that cry. It was my daughter. I smiled looking over at her. She was beautiful really small compared too how olivia was but she was beautiful. I smiled and the doctor cleaned her. I walked back over to Perrie and heals her hand. "Is she ok" she breathed out and winced having a contraction. "She's ok baby one more your doing so well" she nodded and pushed again. Perrie groaned out and I smiled "don't fucking smile" she said and I stopped and she gripped onto my arm. I heard another cry and then Perrie sobbed. "Go check on him" she cried and I walked over and there was my son also very beautiful. The nurse then cleaned him and put him in the incubator. "There ok there beautiful" she smiled and I hugged her and she smiled. "There so perfect" I smiled looking over at them. "Ok we just need names now then miss edwards you can rest and then we'll have to pump some milk" Perrie nodded tiredly. "Can I hold them" she asked and the nurse shook her head "because they were born so early you'll have to wait 2 weeks to see how there doing then you can start to hold them but you can hold there hands anytime" I nodded and Perrie started to fall to sleep. "The names are Damien for the boy and Laila for the girl" the nurse wrote it down and I walked over to the two incubators. Damien was fast asleep and Laila was crying a little but as soon as I rubbed her hand she stopped. I called my mum and it went to voicemail as usual. "Hi mam well Perrie has the twins were in Newcastle so if you want to come and see us you can" I put my phone in my pocket and sat next to Perrie and stroked her hair. The doctor came in and showed me how to get Perrie to pump her breastsmilk out. I got the suction thingy and pulled her top down. She woke up and kissed my hand. "I can do it baby" I shook my head "I'm doing it ok do you think you can stand" she nodded and I helped her up and smiled as she held onto me. "Full already" I said and took both the bottles off her. We fed the twins Perrie fed Damien and I fed Laila but we kept swapping. "Can't believe you're popped 2 more little ones out. She smiled "don't fucking smile" I smiled and she hit her lip "I didn't mean it baby I just I don't know Labour is painful and we're sitting there grinning like a goof" I smiled and hugged her. "Well you ruined the proposal" she smiled "I would've said yes anyway" I got on one knee "so will you marry me" she nodded and I stood up and kissed her. "I love you" she smiled and laid back down in the hospital bed. "Come sit" I looked at the twins one last time before sitting next to perrie. She rested her head on my lap drifting off. "I love you" she said before starting to snore gently. I replaced my legs with a pillow and walked over to the incubators and smiled seeing my sleeping children.

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