Chapter 11

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4 months later*

Jades POV:
My 5:00 am alarm went off and My beautiful girlfriend groaned next to me. I rolled over and put my arm across perries waist "Baby I've got there by 9 so I've still got another hour and a bit" I was going back to work today. And by that obviously the army. A lot had changed me and Perrie are closer than ever we had a beautiful baby and now I'm 20. Perrie got a job as a primary school teacher she was so cute. She usually has to be up at 6 so I look after Olivier for the day. But today they'll be no me to look after Olivier my mams looking after her. She rolled over and looked at me. "Your so beautiful you know" she said sleepily. She nearly fell asleep again but shook her head and opened her eyes. "Your so cute come here" she shuffled over and laid on my chest "I'm gonna miss you so much" she smiled up at me I kissed her head and smiled. "Have you got work today" she shook her head "nope our mums still gonna take her for the day though" I smiled and Olivier cried. I got up and went into her room opening the door "boo" I said as I peaked around her corner of the door. She stopped crying and looked at me and laughed covering her eyes with her tiny hands. I picked her up and she pulled at my top thinking she can get food "that's mummy's job not mine" she blinked looking at me and sucked on my nose. She was definitely very hungry. I walked into Are room Olivier still stuck to my face "babe I think she's hungry" Perrie looked over and laughed taking her off me. I smiled watching Perrie feed her. I can't believe how lucky I am. "She eats like a champ" Perrie said and patted Oliviers bum. "Just like her mummy then" I said and kissed her head.

My mum had come to pick Olivier up about 20 minutes ago she always gets a bit upset when I go back to work. My dad was in the army as well but he got shot in action and died. That's why I do it it's sort of a way of revenge I guess. It was difficult when he died I was only 12 so it was 8 years ago now. Seems like forever. I wish he could've met Olivier and perrie. That's one thing me and Perrie have in common. No father figure. Hers left when she was 5 at Christmas as well, a time when family is meant to be together, apparently he was a massive crackhead though well that's what she tells me anyway. If I ever found him I don't even know I'd probably give him a lesson. Perrie said it was her first heartbreak her dad leaving. I don't think she really had time to heal. Her mum ended up having a huge drug addiction. She had to look after her little sister. Her dad took her brother with her. Quite sad. She came over and patted my shoulders "what's up" I didn't want the conversation of my fathers death to come up "nothing baby just ... don't want to leave you and Olivier" she smiled a bit I think she knew I was lying but just brushed it off. "Well you could just get a normal job" I sighed shook my head "and let them win" she sat down and placed a loving hand on my knee "it wouldn't be letting them win baby it would be keeping you safe" she patted my knee and smiled "well I like to live dangerously" she shook her head "I'm not going to win this am I" I shrugged "not even now you have a family just think about liv babe you decide." She had a good point I didn't want Olivier going through the same thing as me loosing a parent at a young age but I need to get revenge for my dad make my mark on this earth plus I save tens and hundreds of people everyday.  I wouldn't call myself a hero but Perrie seems to think I am. "Anyway are you ready to go it's a long drive" I nodded and picked up my bag slinging it over my shoulder. I looked back at the house. Well so long to the Thirlwall house.

The drive down was ok we had a slight touch of road rage. We got out the car and slowly walked hand in hand to the base. We never said a word and just walked through me occasionally greeting people I knew. We came to a stop and Perrie looked up at me and smiled slightly. "You'll be fine" I said and hugged her I closed my eyes taking in the moment. I hate leaving her. "So write to me ok every day I want a letter" I nodded and hugged her tighter. "Make sure you don't end up pregnant again" she laughed a little and kissed my cheek "now go I love you baby so much" she wiped her tear "I love you to baby" she patted my pocket "a new picture" I nodded taking it out.

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