Chapter 30

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I made my way back onto the train and back home. It was no later than eight in the morning, from what I'm guessing.

I ran back to my house. I need ten more hours of sleep. I wanted to wake up around three in the afternoon not six IN THE MORNING. I stomped my foot onto the ground, passing a few houses and then I saw MY HOU-WHAT IS THIS?!

Oh gosh all I asked for was a peaceful day...

My house was in tacked of course, but there was a nuisance at the doorstep, banging angrily on the door.

Was he TRYING TO BREAK MY DOOR?!?!!??!??

I hurried over the door, grabbing his arm and tossing it back to his side.

"Stop what the fuck?!"My voice cracked in anger, the boy just simply replied with a "tch" nothing else.

I turned over, grabbing the keys from under one of the flower pots and jabbed the key in the door.

"If you got amnesia and don't know where you live I could give you directions. If not get off my door step," I swung the door shut hearing a muffled screech.

I kept a straight face, leaning against the door. I had took my phone out of my pocket and checked on it. Nothing to my surprise, there was a spam of calls from Bakugou. Also at the bottom of the screen there was a cute good morning message from Izuku.

I opened my door again, tired of the racket going on.

"Some PEOPLE WANNA SLEEP, GO HOME!" I yelled in his face frustrated. My hands were shaking. Not because I was scared, but I had so much anger built inside.

I looked up when I heard nothing back in response.


"Damn bitch I'll kill you if you scream one more time,"He did his famous face, where he'd have open his mouth, having some of teeth show.

I stood there silently, not doing what he said, but just waiting to see what he wanted.

"We should start training,"he calmed down, brows still slightly furrowed, looking at my outfit not daring to say anything.

I still happened to be wearing Izuku's clothes, it was obvious this was only something he would wear. Black sweatpants and a white shirt with the word "shirt" on it. A bold choice of clothing if I do say myself.

"I'm not training with you. Don't be assuming explosion boy. I got other people to be training with sooo have a good-"

I pushed the door almost shut, but a hand held it open with force.

"That damn nerd won't teach you anything."

"What do you know asshole?"

I ignored his grunts of anger and the fact that his eyes were so rolled back they were not existent.

"We'll help each other out. This has nothing to do with learning anything," I push the door forward roughly, still not managing to close it though.

"Sure like that'll do you good," he practically-

"Why're you scolding me like you're my father! Well you're not him he's away rotting, so leave dammit,"I slammed the door, almost cracking up at what I had said, jamming his fingers in between the crack.

No reply in response.

Then, BOOM.


I took a few steps back when the door flew wide open from a herd of explosions. The ash blonde boy stood at the front of the door pissed off. It wasn't my job to figure out why. All I wanted to do was to sleep for a few more hours, maybe grab a bowl of ramen or miso soup from the small shop nearby, and then go run an errand with Sakuya. Then, all I would do is sleep again.

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