Chapter 1: Comic Con

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"I can't believe we're at Comic Con," Graeme exclaimed, fiddling with the lanyard around his neck. Clive nodded solemnly, gazing up at the massive building that was, allegedly, full of nerds. I laughed softly from behind them, slowly inhaling from my hidden vape that I had in my scarf that was packed with weed. I couldn't fucking do crowds, the only way I could was if I was stoned off my head and even then, people annoyed the shit out of me. That's why I liked sci-fi so much. Aliens aren't humans, and they have better ethics when it came to, well, everything. That's why I hang out with Graeme and Clive so much. They may as well be aliens. They liked sci-fi so much that they may as well live on another planet, they're stuck in their comics so much.

"Is it ok if I just sit in a café? You guys know I can't deal with crowds," I groaned as we crossed the road, squeezed between troopers from some sort of movie, show, game or whatever.

"Come on, Lil's! It's comic-con! We got you a pass so that you could have fun as well!" Graeme exclaimed, motioning up at the massive hall and to the mass amount of people, most of them in cosplay.

"I guess I shouldn't waste a perfectly good ticket," I sighed, taking another hit from the vape. It was slowly starting to kick in, I could tell. My face was getting all hot and my mind kept going off track. "I wonder if they have churros," I muttered, looking around for something to eat.

The boys walked off to look at something, agreeing that we'll all meet up at the RV at 5pm for dinner and some drinks, and I decided to walk around until I found something to eat. The place was absolutely packed, but I was a little more mellowed out now that I had some sweet, sweet herb in my system. I walked up to a vender on the sidewalk and bought a bag of 5 chocolate filled churros with icing sugar, slowly eating them as I sat on a bench just outside the center. I looked around, taking in the scenery, and wondered what I was going to do today. I had a couple thousand dollars saved for the trip, but I wanted to save some for the places we were going to visit as we drove around to all the UFO hotspots around the country. That and the boys, especially Clive, were prone to spending there money on bullshit they didn't need.

I finished the churros and walked off towards a stand of video game consoles from Nintendo, showing the Nintendo 3DS. My current DS was getting old and the new games coming out where all for the newer consoles, so I was considering getting a new one.

"Excuse me? How much is the 3DS bundle pack?" I asked, looking up at the vender. He looked down at me and smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you sure you're interested in something like this?" He asked, motioning over to the bundle pack. It came with the 3DS, 4 games, a case and an extra charger.

"Uh, yeah, why would I ask?"

He scoffed at me and rolled his eyes. "$345.99 plus tax."

"Hmm, can I trade some of the games out for some different ones?"

"Yeah I suppose so, you'd want something like Nintendogs Cats huh?"

"Actually I was going to ask for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Rayman Origins instead of the two barbie games it comes with."

"Are you sure a girl like you wants games like those?"

I gave the man the blankest, unimpressed look I could muster and pulled my lanyard out from under my scarf, showing collectors pins from the Legend of Zelda and Rayman all over it. The man went silent and rang me up and I handed him the money from my wallet.

"Thanks, asshole," I rolled my eyes at him and walked away, my new console and games in a plastic bag hanging from my wrist.

The rest of the day slowly went by, and I walked around buying memorabilia from some of the venders before going back to the RV, tired and coming down from my high. Putting my bag of stuff in the closet, I resorted to making myself some ramen and flopping onto the bed in nothing but my underwear.

"Lilly we're home- Jesus Christ are you ok?"

"M fine, just tired is all," I groaned, my voice muffled by the pillow.

"Can you please put some clothes on?"

"I have clothes on, they're called underwear and a stolen tank top."

The boys sighed and put everything away, trying to avoid looking at me as much as possible. At least, that's what I imagined. I was pretty much passed out at that point.

"Are we still going to go get dinner?"

"Yeah, gimme a sec I need to get dressed."


I pulled on the Zelda hoodie I bought and a pair of sweatpants, spraying myself down with cheap deodorant so that it wasn't obvious that I hadn't showered in the last 3 days. The boys looked me up and down before sighing.

"We should book a hotel, we need to get some proper rest and have a shower before we head out tomorrow," Graeme said, picking up a map from the table and inspecting it thoroughly. "There's one just down the road from us, lets just hope they have a room available.

"Oh, fuck no, I am not sleeping in the same bed as one of you guys!" I exclaimed, looking at the single bed in the room we had booked.

"They must have messed up our reservations," Clive sighed, setting his backpack down on the bed.

"You two can have the bed, I'm sleeping on the floor," I walked over to the closet and pulled out the spare bedding, laying it on the floor with the alien head pillow I'd bought at the Con.

"You don't have to do that-"

"Hey, I slept mainly on the floor all through university. I'll be fine, at this point it's actually more comfortable than a bed."

The boys sighed at my stubbornness and set up the bed, putting pillow along the middle of the bed as a make-do barrier. Before our room service came in, I'd already fallen down on the floor, cuddled up to my favorite alien plush before falling asleep.

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