Chapter 13: Tara's House

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I sat on the couch inside of the RV impatiently, tapping my foot anxiously as I stared at the front door of the firework shop. Paul said he needed fireworks to contact his mothership and the boys had gone in to buy some, leaving Paul, Ruth, and I in the RV to wait.

"Hey guys, we should probably start the RV," I sighed, seeing the boys run out of the shop with a massive firework underneath Clive's arm. I ignored what the others were saying and opened the door to let the boys get in and watched them as they got in and collapsed onto the couch.

"Graceful," Paul chuckled, looking at the boys who were laying pathetically on the couch. We pulled out and kept driving. I sat down on the couch next to Paul and smiled at him, holding his hand.

"I love you, ok? I don't care if you're putting me in danger because I'll always be here for you," I soothed him, smiling at him. He sighed and nodded, smiling weakly. We continued down the highway until Paul told us to pull off the road onto long road leading up to a lone house.

"Ok, we're nearly there," Paul sized, looking at the approaching house.

"This is where we've been headed?" Clive asked, leaning on the front seat where Ruth was still driving the RV.

"No, I just need to make a little stop first, ok?" Paul sighed, climbing into the passenger's seat.

"Do you really think we've got the time to be making little stops, Paul?" Graeme sighed, looking over at him.

"This is something I really have to do, ok stop here this is good. This is close enough."

We stopped relatively far away from the house and I stared at him in confusion. "Shouldn't we stop closer?" I asked, staring at the far away house.

"No, we don't want to scare her."

We got out of the RV and started walking towards the house, keeping Paul relatively out of view of any windows just in case. We approached the door and the boys started fighting over who should knock and I pushed them away, knocking firmly.

"Who's there?"

"Excuse me, is that Tara Wilton?"

"Leave me alone."

"My name is Lillian O'Brien and I'm here with my friends Clive Gollings and Graeme Willy. We're here with the alien that killed your dog 60 years ago, he wishes to see you," I called out. The door rattled and Tara opened the door, frowning slightly.

"What is this, some kind of joke?"

"If it was a joke, why would we have him here?" I asked, moving to show Paul who was standing awkwardly.

"Hey Tara," He smiled, blinking. Tara gasped and stared at him.


She opened the door and invited us in, sitting down in the armchair while we sat along the couch in silence, the clock ticking loudly.

"That's a very loud clock, isn't it?" Graeme laughed, trying to strike up conversation.

"You have a nerve showing your face here after all these years," Tara mumbled, looking at Paul somewhat angrily. I pulled Paul closer on my lap as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Maybe I should make some tea," Ruth smiled, moving to get up.

"I'll do it," Tara got up and moved to the kitchen fumbling around as she started to make tea. Paul sighed and got up, following her and I stayed on the couch with the others, fumbling with my fingers as I looked around the moth ball-scented house.

"Uh, look Tara, I-"

"I only just stopped believing in you, you know. I spent a very long time trying to convince folks about what happened that night. Everyone said I was mad! They told me it was a meteor that squashed little Paul. Said that I was concussed, hallucinating but I knew you were real!" Tara cried, holding a burning stick that she was supposed to have lit the gas stove with. I pulled you from that spaceship myself! I kept you warm and comfortable. I sat there with you till the men came to take you away. When word got out about my story, kids used to come and throw stones at the house, call me names. And I just hid myself away. I'd spend whole nights up there staring at the sky, hoping that I'd catch a glimpse of you. And here you are."

"I'm sorry, you know. If I could have done it any other way I-"

"Oh, it's ok. You're real, that's all that matters! I was right" Tara chuckled. "And all those folks who said I was crazy? Well, they can all just go fuck themselves."

Paul chuckled and took off his backpack, pulling something out. "I brought something for you, thought you might want it back," He said, pulling a charred and old looking stuffed teddy bear. "Here you go."

Tara took it and gasped, holding it to her heart lovingly. "Oh, thank you!"

There was a moment that passed before the doorbell and my stomach sank and my eyes darted towards the door.

"Now, who do you suppose that is?" Tara wondered, walking over to the door to answer it. A gas canister flew in, breaking the window and shooting gas all over the house. I screamed and grabbed Paul, running into the room just off the lounge and the others followed, closing the door behind us. Paul opened the door and jumped onto the back of the guy who was at the door, blasting him a few times before they both fell to the floor weakly. I ran forward and picked Paul up, holding him to my chest.

"Freeze mother fucker!" The agent who I suspected to be Haggard yelled, holding a gun up at me. I gave him a look and raised my eyebrow, winking at him as I moved out of the way and Clive ran forward with a clock, hitting Haggard over the head with it. I ran forward towards the RV, the others following us.

"Is Tara with us? Tara! Come this way! Follow us!" Paul yelled and I shook my head at him, loving how protective he got over people. A car came up the driveway and I groaned, noticing it was Ruth's Dad's car.

"Oh man-balls it's my dad!" Ruth exclaimed, still running. I groaned and sprinted to the RV, opening the door until a massive explosion blew up the house, pieces of wood and furniture going all over the place and sending us flying into the RV.

"For fuck's sake can't these guys get anything right?" I yelled angrily, jumping into the RV, and putting Paul on the couch. I ignored what the others were doing and got behind the front seat, starting up the RV just as the others got in.

"Strap in fuckers, it's going to be a bumpy ride!" I yelled, slamming my foot to the floor. The RV rolled into the action and we barreled down the driveway and we finally pulled out onto the highway, perused by Haggard. I groaned and looked over at the boys as he attempted to pass us.

"He's trying to pass us, guys!" I exclaimed, motioning to the car. "I'm gonna ram him."

"What about the deposit?"

"Fuck the deposit!" I exclaimed, ramming the vehicle. It was sent flying off the road and he attempted to get back on when I noticed a bridge up ahead, smirking slightly.

"Hey Haggard? Tell the devil I said hi," I yelled out, pointing forward. He frowned and look froward and screamed, his car flying off the edge of a cliff. I laughed in triumph while the others stared in shock at my bloodlust.

"What? He was annoying?"

"Do you think he'll be ok?" Ruth asked worriedly, leaning inbetween the two boys.

"Yeah, he'll be fine," Paul assured her, looking over. A mass explosion erupted from the bottom of the cliff and I cringed, looking back forward at the road. Paul gasped and cringed as well, laughing it off to keep Ruth sane.

We kept driving until we eventually broke down just outside the Devil's Tower monument park, Clive and Graeme sighing as they patted it sadly.

"Fare thee well, my friend. You were a faithful and mighty steed," Clive sighed, kneeling down.

"I can't believe she's gone!"

I groaned and turned to Paul to see him walking up the hill, motioning for me to follow. He had his own bag and a bunch of my own, full to the brim of everything that was mine in the RV.

"Paul? Where are you going?"

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