Chapter 21: Self Distraction

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"Attention all passengers, we are 24 hours away from Talgis. Please take the next day to prepare yourselves for landing and gather all your belongings. Thank you."

We had been on the ship for nearly a week, due to an unscheduled refueling just as we were entering the Andromeda galaxy. Paul, Tara, Ovi and I had spent most of our time fucking around, exploring the ship and its many rooms. My favorite, still, was the gardens that Paul and I had found Tara in. I'd spend hours walking around playing with the various plants, sitting down among the foliage, and singing songs that played from my MP3 players, smiling as they seemed to sway to the sound of the music. Paul would sometimes join me, sitting cross-legged and listening to me sing my heart out, sometimes joining me but mostly listening to me sing.

"Human Lilly, are you looking forward to seeing Talgis for the first time?" Ovi asked enthusiastically, staring at me over his mega-sized slurpshie.

"More than you could imagine, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity that Paul opened up for me, and I can't thank him enough for it," I smiled, taking his hand in mine affectionately.

"That reminds me, you've been marked already right? If you come onto Talgis without a mark then you'll have to go through a lot of government stuff," Ovi asked, his head cocked slightly to the side.

"I've taken care of that, Ovi. Don't worry 'bout it," Paul smiled, pulling me closer to him. I blushed slightly and my hand subconsciously rubbed the small little area on my chest where Paul had left the mark back on Earth, feeling the slight swelling that comes with a hickey through the thin fabric of my tank top. My heart skipped a beat as I felt Paul's hand rub up and down my back, his cold yet comforting skin relaxing my muscles.

"Calm down, babe, you're so tense," He cooed, leaning over to kiss my cheek. I blushed and sipped on my own slurpshie, staring intensely at a lone fry that was sitting on the table from falling out of my bucket of chips.

"You two are so adorable together, I'm happy for you, Paul," Tara smiled, leaning forward in her chair to rest her head on her hands.

"Thanks Tara, I couldn't ask for anyone better," Paul smiled, showering my cheeks with kisses.

"What's up with you today, you're so affectionate," I muttered to him, my face resembling an embarrassed tomato.

"What, aren't I allowed to show my girlfriend how much I love her?" He smiled, teasingly, and I rolled my eyes, pushing my forehead against his. I could tell he was smirking despite my closed eyes, and I felt him chuckle slightly at my embarrassment. I pulled back and kissed him softly, my stomach still filling with butterflies as if it were our first kiss all over again. He pulled away slowly and I smiled, my cheeks still slightly pink.

"I fucking love you" I smiled from ear to ear, my heart still racing.

"I love you so much, you have no idea Lilly."

"You two are so adorable! I cannot believe that one of our kind is with a human! It's amazing!" Ovi exclaimed, interrupting Paul and I. I blushed slightly before staring at the ground, confused.

"Is that unheard of? Is it weird that we're together?" I asked, looking between Ovi and Paul.

"Well, yes and no. Just like how your kind was drip feeding you pictures of me so that if we ever met you guys wouldn't freak out, we've been doing the same here. It's not exactly unheard of, but it's a little weird," Paul explained, squeezing my hand slightly. I shrugged and smiled slightly.

"I'm not one to reject the unusual. I, myself, am strange and unusual."

"Is that a Beetlejuice quote?" Paul asked, smirking slightly.

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