Chapter 4: Bagels and Coffee

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We pulled over slowly and I looked over at Paul to see that he had disappeared and frowned. Surely that wasn't all a dream, was it? Maybe I was just really, really high. I sighed and walked over to the bed, pulling my stuffed animal out and looking at him sadly. He looked exactly like Paul, the cargo shorts and all.

"I suppose you can be Paul now," I sighed, hugging it slightly before laying down and resting my eyes so I didn't have to deal with whoever was pulling us over asking any questions. I heard people mutter from outside the RV and the door opened. I ignored what was being said and pretended to be asleep, and thankfully the people investigating the RV let me sleep and just continued as normal. Someone came in and started rustling around, looking through our stuff and eating our chips. I sighed slightly and zoned out, ignoring the entire thing until the people where eventually gone.

The boys got back in the RV and got back in their respective seats and I got up, waddling over to where they were still holding plush Paul.

"It's pretty obvious what just happened there, isn't it?" Clive muttered, sighing and looking out the drivers seat window.

"Is it?" Graeme frowned, looking at Clive as if he were crazy.

"The government used some kind of neuro-toxic paint on the black mailbox. Caused us to suffer a shared hallucination about an Alien, it makes complete sense.." Clive explained.

"I wish he was real, I can't imagine what could have happened if he was," I sighed dreamily, cuddling up to the plush.

"Voila!" Paul appeared in front of us, butt naked, with a nearly 5 inch, half erect penis flopping on the dashboard. I squealed and hid my face with the stuffed Paul's face, blushing hard. Clive and Graeme were obviously taken aback by what they saw as well, Clive accidentally losing control of the RV and swerving all over the road.

"Oh, no," Clive muttered, obviously in disgust.

"What? Come on, grow up. You guys seen my shorts?"

"I-I-I-" I stuttered, picking them up for him and handing them to him, trying not to look down.

"What, darling? Ya like what you see?" He teased, swinging his hips and laughing. I tried to avoid looking, glancing down slightly, before hiding my face again. Paul chuckled and put his shorts on, looking over at Graeme.

"How, how did you do that? How did you go invisible?" Graeme asked, frowning slightly.

"Oh, uh, it's a camouflage response," He answered, looking over at me. "You can look now, love," He chuckled, before turning back to Graeme.

"Like predator?"

"Exactly! Though, I can only do it while I'm holding my breath."

"But you can do it anytime you want?"

"Anytime," Paul imitated Predator, holding his hands up to his face and pretending to have pincers. He continued imitating Predator, groaning an buzzing until Clive yelled out in annoyance.

"Am I the only sane person here? Hey!?"

"Look, Clive, calm your titties. Paul and I are gonna go and make some food. I'm staying out of this since, obviously, I'm obviously not sane and should be ruled out of the equation," I interrupted, taking Pauls hand and leading him over to the kitchen. The boys stared at me as I placed stuffed Paul on the bed and set the kettle to boil.

"Hey, Lillian, where did you get that thing and why does it look like me?" Paul asked, staring at the stuffed animal.

"Oh, I got it at an arcade after my ex dumped me. I put cargo shorts on him because it made me uncomfortable that he was so humanlike, yet not at the same time and didn't have clothes."

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