Chapter 5: Bird Breath

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I woke up back in my bed, cuddled up to the stuffed version of Paul in the unmoving RV. I straightened up and looked around, seeing Paul sitting on the couch reading the start of my book and sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Paul? Where are the boys?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh, you're awake. They went to get- oh Jesus," He covered, his eyes, staring out the window. I frowned in confusion before looking down to see one of my tits had fallen out of my tank top. I fixed it quickly before frowning again.

"Did you take my hoodie off?" I asked, stretching as I got out of bed. Paul peeked between his fingers to make sure I was dressed before looking up at me, a small blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah, you were complaining you were hot in your sleep, so I took your hoodie off for you. You were really stoned last night," He chuckled, motioning for me to sit down opposite him.

"Are they getting chocolate? I'd kill for something sweet right now," I groaned, leaning on the counter, and moving slightly closer to Paul. "Did I do anything stupid last night? I can't really remember."

"Well, you flirted with me a bit but apart from that not much. Oh, you did attempt to kiss me when you were half asleep, but I don't really blame you for that one. I know I'm sexy as fuck," He thought, raising an eyebrow at my reaction. I blushed and groaned, hitting my head with my palm.

"I do that a lot, that's why I refuse to sleep in the same bed as boys. I'm very affectionate when I'm asleep," I mumbled, groaning slightly.

"Oh, that reminds me. Do you have a partner or something?" Paul asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nah, I'm single currently. I did have a fling with this chick before we left but she was too high maintenance."

"You've been with a chick?"

"Yeah, I'm gay as fuck! Well, bi, but same difference."

"Nice! Everyone on my planet is bi, it's all about the pleasure thing," Paul smirked, leaning back in his chair.

"Amen to that, dude."

The boys rushed back in, there arms stacked with various chips, chocolates, and drinks.

"Messengers from the heavens!" I exclaimed, stealing a chocolate bar, and hiding underneath the table, cackling as the boys attempting to grab my sweet chocolate bar. Paul laughed along with me, even going as far as blocking the boys from running after me when I ran into the bathroom.

"Ha-ha! You shall not steal my choccy!" I yelled, unwrapping it and shoving some in my mouth.

"Lillian! That was for everyone!" Graeme exclaimed, groaning as he tried to unlock the door. I giggled and continued eating before Paul appeared in front of me, starch naked again, laughing his ass off.

"Jesus! How did you get in here?"

"Pfft, I snuck in behind you when you weren't looking," He laughed, stealing a piece of chocolate, and throwing it in his mouth. I laughed and shook my head, sitting down on the closed toilet seat and motioning for him to sit down on the little stool.

"So, how long are we gonna stay in here?" He asked, holding his hand out for another piece. I obliged and gave him a row, leaning back a bit.

"Just long enough to get back on the road, and to give the boys a moment to cool down. They're very susceptible to over-excitement and I can't really deal with anything too full on when I've only just woken up."

Paul nodded and leaned back, stretching his limbs slightly. A moment or two went by and I nodded, standing up. He picked himself up from the floor and we walked out, and he walked over to the boys. I made myself a cup of tea and sat down, smiling to myself.

"Hey, I don't like being a stick in the mud but you're asking a lot of us, right? We just met, we don't know where we're going, or why. You don't think we deserve an explanation?" Clive asked, looking over at Paul slightly angrily.

"Look, the less you guys know the better. I want you to have plausible deniability. Let's just say, I spent a lot of time in that base thinking I was a guest. Turns out I was a prisoner. But don't worry. I got it all under-" Paul was cut off by the RV hitting a bird. I screamed out in shock, nearly spilling my tea. I jumped up and we all ran out of the RV to see a small little bird laying motionless on the pavement.

"Fuck, that made me jump," Paul exclaimed, staring down at the poor little thing.

"It's a beautiful bird as well," I sighed, kneeling to see it slightly better.

"Poor little thing, nothing could be done though," Clive sighed, going to leave and get back in the RV. Paul sighed and clapped his hands together, kneeling to pick the bird up.

"Ew, Paul, what are you doing?" Graeme exclaimed.

"Just watch," Paul closed his eyes and focused hard to the point where some of his veins were popping out of his forehead. A few seconds went by and the bird popped back up, alive and chirping happily. I exclaimed in shock, getting up and looking over Paul's shoulder at the happy little thing.

"It's a miracle!" Graeme exclaimed. Paul suddenly shoved the entire bird in his mouth, somewhat primitively, and swallowed in near whole. I gasped before laughing slightly, my hands automatically flying to my mouth.

"Man, I'm gonna miss these," Paul groaned, patting his belly slightly.

"What did you do that for?" I exclaimed, staring at the area the bird had priorly existed.

"I'm not going to eat a dead bird, am I?" Paul exclaimed in disgust, smirking at me slightly. I shook my head and we walked back into the RV, still shaken up slightly.

"Hey, love, don't worry. I don't always eat birds," Paul started, raising his eyebrows. "Sometimes I eat pussy," He smirked, throwing me some finger guns.

"If you say so, bird-breath," I rolled my eyes and laughed, leaning down to kiss the top of his head. Without another word, I walked over to the bed and pulled out my 3DS, booting up Pokémon White and sitting down with a freshly packed vape ready to go. I sat down opposite Paul and poured myself a glass of creaming soda and some popcorn, ready for an all-nighter of talking to the sexy as fuck alien and playing a game about animal cruelty and legal underaged animal fighting. 

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