Chapter 11: Really Strong Weed

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I pulled into a vacant spot and we sat back, Clive with tissues in his nose to stop the bleeding and Ruth trying to sleep in bed. I sat back and looked around, sighing.

"Well, none of us are going to be able to sleep so let's go and get fucking wasted!" I exclaimed, grabbing my wallet from the counter.

"Wait, what?" Graeme exclaimed, looking between Paul and I in confusion.

"Hell yeah! Girl this is why I love you!" Paul exclaimed, high fiving me.

"Yeah, I can't sleep. I'm too pumped!" Ruth exclaimed, getting out of bed.

"Well it's settled then! Everyone, grab your wallets and some jackets, we're goin to partaaaay!" I exclaimed, grabbing my bag of weed from the bedside drawer.

"What if someone sees you?" Ruth asked, looking at Paul.

"It's pretty dead out there, plus I can do this," Paul inhaled and held his breath, turning invisible.

"Oh, ok, well I'm in!"

"Rocky?" Paul squeaked, still holding his breath.



"Well, I'm a little bit tired-"

"Don't be a pussy!"

"Don't call me a pussy. Alright."

I grabbed Paul's hand and we walked out of the RV park and into town, searching for a bottle shop. Clive and I walked in and left Paul outside and I searched for some Cruisers while Clive looked for some drinks for him and the boys. We paid for everything and left to find Ruth, Graeme, and Paul. We found them outside of a costume shop, standing in a triangle while Paul was laughing.

"What's going on?" I asked, grabbing Paul's hand with my free one.

"Nothing, nothing. Just hanging around-"

"They were about to make out. It was awkward," Paul cringed, looking up at the two of them.

"Aw, don't try and rush things, you two! You guys are cute but try not to be too horny ok?"

"What? We're not- Paul can you please put your shorts back on?"

Paul laughed and grabbed his shorts from the chair nearby, pulling them on before we all walked off into the nearby bush with drinks and stuff to light a fire. We found a cute little clearing and made up the fire before sitting around it and started to drink.

I was sat next to Paul, smoking a blunt each, when Paul inhaled and looked around, holding the blunt away from him. "You guys partake?" He asked, his voice strained from keeping the smoke in.

"I'm good for now, I want to finish this one before having anything else," I smiled, leaning back against a log. The boys both declined, and Ruth looked up, excited.

"I'll partake."

"Are you sure?" Paul chuckled, looking at her from across the fire. "It's pretty strong shit, I got it from the military actually! This is the stuff that killed Dylan," Paul exclaimed, looking around at the others.

"Bob Dylan's not dead!" Graeme exclaimed.

"That's what I thought," I smiled, inhaling, and blowing the smoke into Paul's face.

"Hit me."

"Ok. Just, you know, go easy on it," Paul smiled, passing the blunt around the circle until it came to Ruth. "Just a little bit, a little bit," Paul added, watching Ruth cautiously. Ruth inhaled a small amount and blew it out, passing it back around to Paul.

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