Chapter 9: Brain Blast

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Ruth ran out of the RV as soon as Clive stopped, followed by Graeme. I sat on the couch, flicking through one of the complimentary magazines that came with the RV while Paul sat in the front and watched as Graeme perused Ruth. Paul chuckled slightly and pulled down his pants, pressing his ass against the windscreen.

"Are they looking? Are they looking?" He asked Clive, turning back around laughing and pulling his pants back up.

"That's pathetic," Clive muttered, leaning on the steering wheel.

"What's your beef, Clive?" Paul asked, looking over at him in confusion.

I got up and walked over to the two of them, leaning on the back of Paul's seat.

"I don't have beef-"

"I'm from outer space, you're a science fiction writer, we should be best buds!" Paul exclaimed, confused. Clive sighed and looked over at Graeme who was talking to Ruth.

"It's not you, it's me."

Paul followed his gaze and frowned, looking back at Clive in disbelief. "Is that was this is? You're jealous of her?!" Paul exclaimed, motioning over to Ruth who was still yelling at Graeme.

"It's not just that," Clive looked over at Paul, a small frown on his face.

"What, of me?! Oh my- This is because me and Graeme got like two minutes of facetime when you were sleeping is that was this is?!"

"I wanted this to be special, you know? I have dreamt about meeting you, ever since I saw Mac and Me, and I blew it. Now you two are friendly and he's off talking to girls and it's like where am I?"

"Come on, man! This," Paul motioned between all of us before looking back at Clive. "Is special! You guys being all nerdy and shit, and meeting me, that is fate! Who cares if you pissed your pants man? When I first got here, first time I saw a human, I puked."

Clive and I laughed for a second and Paul reached up to grab my hand, smiling up at me.

"You guys are weird lookin', you've giant bodies, tiny, tiny heads! Lily here is the only human I've met that I think is genuinely gorgeous!" He continued.

"You're just being nice now," Clive smiled, looking over at Paul and I. Paul chuckled and muttered a small 'no' before holding his hand out.

"You want a little sugar?" Paul asked, smiling slightly. "I can do you too if you want, love," He added, looking over at me. Clive and I shared a look and I nodded at him.

"It's just knowledge and experience, man. You're a writer, might give you some inspiration."

"Will it hurt?"

"Only if you struggle," Paul smiled despite his somewhat menacing words and Clive nodded, leaning forward. Paul placed is hand on Clive's face and groaned, his fingers twitching a little. Clive laughed and fell forward onto the horn, causing it to continuously sound off. Paul groaned slightly and looked towards me, holding out his hand to me.

"What about you? Want some of this sugar?"

"Aren't you exhausted?"

"You saw me when I did Ruth and Graeme, I'll be fine," He assured me, holding his hand out. I nodded, sitting down on the floor. He put his hand on my forehead and blasted me. It was like I could see the entire universe unfold in front of me, the people he's been with and the birth of countless solar systems. I groaned and fell forwards into Paul's arms, groaning slightly. It was like having 267 years' worth of orgasms in a few seconds.

"Are you ok, baby?" Paul asked, holding me weakly.

"I think I need a change of panties," I groaned, holding my head. "And some weed. Some strong weed."

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