Chapter 3: The Black Mailbox and Paul

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We continued to drive off into the sunset, passing the Extraterrestrial Highway sign 30 minutes after leaving the truck stop, arriving at the black mailbox another half hour later. The three of us hopped out of the RV and walked up to it slowly, in slight awe. I held a piece of paper and a pen in my hand. This was something I'd wanted to do since my late teens.

"The black mailbox," Graeme exclaimed, shyly smiling to himself. "'s probably the coolest thing I've ever seen. Do you remember when we googled it on your mums computer and the phone rang and you thought it was the FBI?" He added, pulling his camera out of his pocket.

"I didn't really think it was the FBI-"

"You started crying."

"I had jetlag!"

I walked away from them and sighed, leaning against the RV to write on the paper. After writing, I slotted it into the mailbox and walked away. It didn't say anything but 'thank you.' I felt as if something big was going to happen soon, something that will change my life forever. So I was thanking someone beforehand, to make it count. I walked over to Clive and posed for the picture Graeme was taking, then we switched a few times to get a few different group photos and some personal ones.

"What would you do if they actually landed?" Graeme asked, taking another photo of it.

"I'd keep my cool, probably. Or at least try to. If they look anything like something in pop culture than I think the both of you know I'd be fangirling on the inside," I smiled, imagining how it would be.

"Well, I mean, first contact is a big responsibility isn't it. They come in piece we go to pieces? Nah-ah. That's not how I roll," Clive added, smiling.


We laughed amongst ourselves for a second before hearing a car beep in the distance.

"What is that?" I muttered, looking over. We walked over closer to the road to see a set of headlights streaming towards us. We shared a glance and Graeme gulped nervously.

"Do you think it's those men?" He asked.

"No," Clive frowned. All three of us shared a look before running back to the van. Clive jumped in the drivers seat and I jumped in the passengers, Graeme leaning over my shoulder as we set off. I had my eye on the mirror as we raced along the highway, the car slowly gaining on us.

"Oh, they're gaining," Clive whimpered, his eyes fixated on the road.

"Don't panic boys, if anything happens I have a pocket knife in the glove compartment.

"Why did you put a pocket knife in the glove compartment?!" Graeme exclaimed, staring at me in horror.

"I like to feel safe ok!'

Graeme whimpered slightly.

"I need to go to the toilet!" Clive exclaimed.

"Just hold it you pussy!" I yelled, staring at the gaining car. It's car horn was blaring in my ears and I groaned, holding my head. The boys yelled amongst themselves until the car eventually passed.

"It's not them!" Graeme exclaimed and I sighed, looking up to see a simple black car.

'That looks like a government car,' I thought, frowning as the boys shared highfives. A second went past and the car swerved, crashing into the side of the road and rolling down the side bank.

"Fuck!!" I screamed as I watched the car roll back onto it's wheels, scream across to the other side of the road, swerve again before breaking a fence and finally coming to a stop. The boys shared a look and grabbed the head torches from the glovebox while I grabbed my pocket knife and my phone, making our way out of the RV.

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