Chapter 12: Keith Nash

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I groaned as I woke up, my head on Paul's chest and the other boys being dead asleep. I looked up and saw it was becoming daytime and got up, shaking Paul awake. He groaned and looked down at me, smiling slightly.

"Morning baby, good sleep?" He murmured, smiling slightly. I nodded and kissed his cheeks before getting up and looking around at the boys, my arms crossed.

"What a bunch of lazy bastards. Come on Paul, lets wake them up," I smiled, walking over to Graeme. I laughed out loud before covering my face with my hand, giggling at the writing on Graeme's forehead. Paul nodded and walked over to Clive and started fingering his ear, rimming it with his finger before slapping the side of his head. Clive groaned and got up, holding his ear.

"Come on guys, it's time to get going," I exclaimed, poking Graeme up the nose with a stick. He snorted and got up, swatting at the stick.

"Where's Ruth?" He groaned, looking around for her. Paul looked up at him, his eyes narrowed as he tried to read the writing on his forehead.

"She went back to the RV."

"Oh my, he can read minds!" Graeme laughed, looking over at me. I laughed and shook my head, pointing at his forehead.

"First of all, you know he can't read minds just by looking at you. Thought transfer requires touch and he can only transfer his knowledge to you, second of all if you don't know where she is how could he have possibly known where she is by reading your thoughts and third of all, she wrote where she was going on your forehead in black marker you pillock!" I laughed, grabbing all the rubbish we made the night before and shoving it in a plastic bag to throw in the bin, save for the bottle caps as I liked collecting them. Paul smiled at me and nodded in agreement, placing his hands on his hips.

"On my planet we recycle everything. Not a single atom goes to waste if we can help it. In fact, we have the cleanest planet out of all our neighboring galaxies since we break down all our waste into atoms and then reconstruct them into things that we need," Paul smiled, taking one of the bottles out of the bag to inspect it. "If something can be easily recycled without that process, however, we just melt down the object and re-shape it, like glass," He added, looking down the neck of the bottle.

"That's fascinating, so you guys just strip them down to the atoms, Not the molecules?" Graeme asked, using his handkerchief to attempt and wipe off the marker.

"Well, depending on what we need. If we just need water we strip back everything from the existing item or items, isolate all the water molecules, bunch a heap of those together and then use the left over atoms to surround it with a container made out of glass or metal. It's quite simple to us, though obviously your kind haven't become advanced to that point yet."

"That's really cool! So, you can do that with anything? How does it work?" Clive asked, looking over at Paul. Paul put his finger to his lips and smiled slightly.

"A magician never reveals his secrets."

We started approaching the street and I looked over the bushes separating us from the road and sucked my teeth, looking behind me at the boys. "Hey, you guys, we have a bit of a problem here," I called out, motioning to the busy street in front of us.

"Ah, shit. I can't hold my breath all the way through town," Paul frowned, looking over my shoulder.

"I'll go get the RV, you guys try and make your way through town. I'll meet you at the first set of traffic lights," I nodded, moving out the bushes.

"Wait, what about Paul?"

"Improvise! Dress him up or something, I don't know. I'm going to go and get the RV."

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