Chapter 10: Idiots

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I woke up slowly from my nap, getting up to see Paul playing my 3DS on the couch. I grabbed a bottle of Pepsi from the fridge and sat down on the armchair opposite him, yawning slightly.

"Fuck I cannot sleep when there's any noise," I groaned, taking a swig from the bottle. Paul looked up at me and smiled lightly.

"Well, good thing for you, on our planet the insulation in our walls is so sound absorbent that you can't hear anything from outside the house if the door and windows are closed," He smiled, looking up at me from the game.

"Wait, why is that good for me?" I asked, frowning slightly at Paul. He blushed slightly and looked down, fiddling with the stylus.

"Well, I thought it might be nice if you wanted to come with me to my planet," He mumbled, looking out the window.

"You want me to come with you?"

"Well- Oh! Hey there sleepy face," He exclaimed, looking over as Ruth walked up to join him on the couch from where she was sleeping.

"Fuckeroo, that was the best tiity-farting sleep I've ever had," She smiled, sitting down next to Paul.

"Uh, I got a feeling that you're new to cursing, Ruth," Paul laughed, putting down the DS and looking over at Ruth. I sighed and rubbed my arm, slightly upset that Paul had avoided my question.

"Look, cursing's fun but you just gotta pick your moments, ok?" Paul smiled, adjusting himself so he was sitting cross legged on the couch.

"Hey, maybe we should stop for some food, is anyone hungry?" Graeme interrupted, looking over his shoulder from the driver's seat.

"Fuck yeah!" Paul exclaimed in a higher voice, smiling at me. I forced a smile back and he looked over at Ruth expectantly.


"You bet your big, fat cock I am!" Ruth exclaimed, smiling. Paul nodded, impressed before looking back at me.


"I could go for some chips," I called out, turning back to staring at the ingredients list on the Pepsi bottle.

"Aw come on, you gotta join in!" Paul exclaimed, smiling. I sighed and rolled my eyes at him in slight annoyance.

"Fucking bet, shit lips!" I exclaimed, Paul and Ruth clapping happily at my involvement.

"I'm starving," Clive added, and Paul looked over, smirking slightly.

"What's new, fatty?" Paul exclaimed, drawing out 'fatty.' Clive looked over angrily and huffed.

"It's not fat, Paul. It's power!"

"Fat power!"

"So rude."

"You're rude."

"Maybe I should call my dad," Ruth interrupted, and I looked over at her, confused.



"I've been gone for a whole day and if he calls the police, they're gonna be looking for us. If I don't, there's a good chance we could all end up in shit-butt city," Ruth explained.

"You're really getting the hang of this," Paul smiled, and I sighed, looking out the window.

We drove to a pub nearby and parked, the boys and Ruth walking in without me. I stayed in the RV and kept Paul company; despite the fact I was still slightly angry with him.

"Hey, Lilly, I'm sorry about ignoring your question before. I just thought that you were going to be mad," Paul sighed, fiddling with a stray thread hanging from the couch.

"I'm not mad, I'm just confused. Would I even be allowed? I don't even have half of my belongings with me, what would I do about all my collectables-"

"I could ask someone to go and pick your stuff up for you, it's no problem! Lilly," Paul placed a hand on my leg and smiled up at me softly. "I really want you to come with me, you said that you'd do anything to visit another planet and I want to make that dream a reality."

"I'd love to, I really would, but what about Graeme and Clive?"

"We can set up something so that you can talk to them without being on planet, my species does it all the time between ships and the planet and even planet to planet. If you have any family or friends that you trust, we can set up something you can talk to them. I could even organize a week out of the year where you can go back to earth and visit everyone! I could get my guy on the inside to make sure that you stay off the radar and make sure you're safe as well!"

"Well, this is a really big decision," I sighed running my hand through my hair. "Not even a week ago I was dreaming of this day and now that it's here I don't know what to do!"

"Look, if you can't decide right now it's fine, you have plenty of time to decide whether you want to or not. But it's always an option, love," Paul smiled, looking up at me happily. I sighed and leaned down, kissing him softly.

"I love you Paul, I'd love to come with you. But, please don't tell the boys yet. They'll make a big mess of things and will probably end up swaying my decision by accident," I asked, taking one of Paul's soft yet also rough hand in both of mine. He looked up at me lovingly and smiled, his beautiful blue eyes setting off butterflies in my stomach.

"Really? You want to come with me?"

"Well, you only live, once right? Sometimes you've just gotta roll the dice," I smiled, kissing his forehead.

"Hey, that's my line! Wait, what's that sound?" Paul frowned, peeking through the closed blinds. "Jesus, there's a full-blown bar fight, and the guys are running towards the RV followed by these trucker fuckers!"

I growled and Paul jumped up, running over to the door, and kicking it open to expose himself to them.

"Yo, fucknuts! It's probin' time," Paul yelled, holding up his forefinger and moving it in circles. The two truckies fainted and Graeme laughed, pointing at the two of them.

"Ha! Only one of us fainted!"

"That's not the focus here, the police are coming so get in the fucking van!" I yelled, running to get behind the wheel and start up the RV. Everyone ran in, Clive holding his head and I put pedal to the metal, driving out of the car park and onto the highway where I could see the lights of police cars flashing in the distance.

"Ok, we need to get off the road," Paul exclaimed, getting into the passenger's seat.

"Good idea, they'll expect us to keep going. Only an idiot would stop now, and they know we're not idiots," I added, seeing and RV park not far away. "And there's our stop!"

"What? Lilly-"

I cut Graeme off, looking over my shoulder at him. "We're idiots, remember?"  

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