Chapter 14

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          Outside of the Baltic Sea Village was a sunny day like any other. The birds were flying about in the sky while the fiercely appearing sun was bathing the village with light as it showed its usual lively emotion. Suddenly, an ominous breeze slowly blew through while an unexpected fog flew itself into the village, blocking the light coming from the sun. It became cloudy.

         A terrified man runs in the middle of the village with residents surrounding him. He shouts at the top of his lungs in panic, "R-RUN AWAY! THE BLACK DRAGON! THE BLACK DRAGON IS HERE!" 

        As he continued to shout for the villagers to flee, a dark ship slowly approached the town in the ocean. There was a threatening and hungry growl coming from the ship, which alarmed the man. Petrified, the man shakingly stared at the ship far behind him. A ship appeared to be called, The Black Dragon. The ship appeared to be an old wooden pirate ship, with shredded black sails and spikes coming out from below the deck. In front of the ship was a face near in front of it. On either side of the front of the ship, a hook, which was rather long, from one of the wooden beams on the ship's mast hangs down and pulls up a bit of the woodwork on the ship, revealing a large globular green eye. The front of the ship where the figurehead should be is malformed with dozens of wooden planks hanging outwards, making it look like a giant mouth.

        After the ship's approach to the village, the wooden planks slowly opened a hole in the ship to reveal its mouth, as it was attempting to take a bite out of the town. All the man could do was stand there with contracted eyes, astonished at the sight in front of him. His nose leaked as he whimpered. All that could be heard was a humungous chomp and screaming.

A few days later

       Out in the middle of the sea, a bit far from the village sailed a rowboat. Standing on the bow of the boat was Death the Kid, dressed in an attire that appeared similar to the appearance of his father, Lord Death. He even had on a skull mask comparable to his father. Rowing the boat was Patty and Liz. Joshua was sitting beside Patty as they sang the nursery rhyme, Row, Row, Row Your Boat, in joy. Eve sat beside Liz. Laying in the middle of the boat was Joseph, resting his head behind his hands as he napped.

        Liz's eyebrows were twitching in irritation. She was exhausted. The six teens had been trolling through the ocean in search of the Baltic Sea Village for what felt like days and Liz's arms were beginning to sore. Actually, she felt sore after 10 minutes of rowing. In all fairness, she would take turns with Joseph; having him row the boat while she rested, but that wasn't enough. Out of all the transportations they could've used to travel with, it had to be a small boat that could hardly support at least seven people and is only useful for paddling.

Much like Liz, Kid was growing impatient with how slow they were going. Although it was him who decided on the rowboat, "Come on," carped Kid, "Can't you row any faster?"

        An irked Liz turned to Kid and protested, "WILL YOU EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT WE'RE DOING IN A ROWBOAT IN THE FIRST PLACE?! WHY NOT A MOTORBOAT OR A NICE, BIG CRUISE SHIP?! YOU KNOW-- SOMETHING WITH AN ENGINE MAYBE?!" In Liz's aspect, Kid should have no room to rush them considering he decided on a puny boat. Joseph slightly jolted from his nap due to Liz's burst.

Kid took off his mask, "Quit complaining," he demanded.

          Eve gave a smile of composure at the thought of a cruise ship, feeling flattered, "A nice and relaxing cruise ship would most definitely be a nice touch in this case."

"We're not on vacation," grumbled Joseph as he stretched.

Liz turned to Eve, "You guys are rich, aren't you? Couldn't you have just asked your Mom to find a better boat for us or a helicopter or something?"

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