Piper's Prologue

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Hiya Soul Eater lovers. I decided on making a prologue for Piper. I know, I probably should've done that before the first two chapters, but I didn't want to wait to do a chapter of Eve and the Twins first experiencing the school and becoming new students there. In this prologue, this is before Piper meets Darcelle, and the others. This prologue is how she meets Stein. She is also at the age 11. Plus I hope you like the picture of Piper. That was her part in episode 4 when Stein and the students start to battle each other. If you like this prologue, please comment on it and tell me what you think. You can even favorite it if you like.

Anyways, on with the prologue!

Piper's pov, (age 11)

I was walking crookedly on the ground in the middle of the forest. It was nighttime, the sky a little cloudy and it was cold and windy. My eyes felt droopy and were baggy. The black dress that I'm wearing was messy and ripped, it was also kind of short to the point to where my bottom was almost showing. I was messy, and I had dirt all over me.

I was lost. Lost in the middle of the forest cold, hungry, tired, saddened, and desperate. I wanted to cry because of the pain I have inside me. Ever since my parents' death, I have been lost in the forest not knowing what to do or even how to live. My parents had died last year because of some type of demon monster. They tried to protect themselves. They mostly tried to protect me, but just by doing that, they got killed, right in front me where I could see them. Every time I sleep, that was my nightmare, my parent's getting killed by a savage beast. I don't know what my parents did to deserve getting killed, but whatever it was, that's no excuse. My parents were nice people. They loved me, they would take care of me, they would make me happy in any way they can.

However, they were the only people that I would ever be around with, literally the only people. I was homeschooled ever since I was little and my parents were always over-protective of me. They were such worrywarts. They were always worried that if I meet new people, I might get picked on or bullied. They worried that if I go outside and play, somebody might capture me or kill me, which is why they come outside with me. My dad worried that if I become friends with a boy, they might do something that will hurt me or make me uncomfortable. Somehow I think all dads are like that. Somehow, I don't think that's the only reason why they protected me.

I'm guessing that them being over-protective is the reason they got killed. Since I was homeschooled, I never had any friends, I didn't even know how to make friends. Because my parents kept me away from people, it made me think that all people are bad people. Then again, it might not be true. You'll never know unless you meet a person, but still, there are lots of people you can't trust.

Even if my parents did keep me away from people and all things, they didn't deserve to die. It should've been me. I should've been the one the monster would kill. I would rather have that happen then have my parents killed. It is a lot better that way.

I'm pretty sure my parents are watching me right now. They're probably really worried about me. I know they don't want me to, but I have no choice but to find somebody to live with. I don't want to live out here for the rest of my life. While living in the forest, all I had to eat was bugs or other innocent animals. As gross as it is and as much as I don't want to, I have no choice. I even had to drink water from the lake.

While I was walking, I noticed a small bunny hopping passed me. It stopped for a minute to scratch itself. I carefully walk without scaring it. It stops scratching and I carefully grab it and bring it close to me. It looked at me with its small eyes. I smiled and giggled on how cute it looked. I pet its ears with my fingers softly. It looks like it was comfortable with me petting it. Despite me eating animals to survive, I see animals as my friends and companions. I get my love for animals from my mom. My mom was a veterinarian, and she would always find animals that are lost and sick. She would cure them and find them a family to live with. I put down the bunny and let it go free. I continued to walk through the forest.

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