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           It was a cold and windy night in Death City. Every store was closed and almost every living soul was at their houses sleeping the night away. Some people were out in Death City in the middle of the night doing whatever they want. Some were out on the streets, some were at the Chupa Cabra's Bar, some were even at the basketball court playing basketball.

              Meanwhile, a couple was walking on the sidewalk enjoying their time with each other. The woman had her arm wrapped around the man's arm. The woman looked up at her boyfriend and smiled "This was the best date in my life, Eric!" she said while smiling at him. The man looked back at her, "Just wait and see what I have for you next Saturday."

               "Great, I'm looking forward to it!" The couple continued to walk. While they were walking, a big shadowy figure slowly follows them. The woman stops walking and the shadowy figure quickly disappears when she looks behind her. The man looks down at her a bit curious about why she stopped walking. "Is there something wrong?" The girl turned her head back round to look at him. "Sorry, I'm just getting the feeling that someone is following us."

             The man looked around him and doesn't see anything or anyone following them, "Nobody's even out here", he looks at her and chuckles a little, "You must be just imagining things." The woman looks down, "Maybe your right...never mind then, let's keep moving." They continued to walk and the shadowy figure appears and starts to follow them.

           The two walk across a corner into the alleyway between buildings. The woman had her purse hanging onto her shoulder with a key chain hanging out. The key chain fell out of her purse and dropped to the ground. "Oh", the woman notices the key chain, "I dropped my key chain." She turned around to reach for her key chain only to see big clawed feet. The woman paused for a second and slowly looked up to see a pale ghoul-like creature with sharp claws and pointy teeth. Its eyes were blood red and almost his entire body was skin and bones. It looked down at the woman and glared at her in hunger. The woman widened her eyes in fear and her jaw drop. She was so scared, she couldn't move an inch. The man turned around to see his girlfriend in front of the creature.

           His eyes widened, "What the hell!" The creature roared making the girl scream. The man grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him, "What are doing just sitting there, make a run for it!" They run away, still holding each other's hand while the ghoul starts running after them. They run across another corner in the alleyway where there was a wall. "Oh no!" the girl squealed. The man grew irritated, "Crap, a dead-end!"

      They turn around and saw that the ghoul is right in front of them. The ghoul slowly crawled towards them. The monstrous ghoul growled, licking his lips and ready to eat the couple. He grew his claw and the woman trembled in fear, "It's going to eat us, Eric!" The man walked in front of the woman. He spread his arms and legs apart to protect his girlfriend, "Don't worry babe, I'm not gonna let this thing touch you."

        On the other side of the streets, there is a tall apartment building with three people standing on it. "Oh, dear." One of those people happens to be a young teenage girl at the age of 14. She looked beautiful. Her hair was jet black, silk. She wears glasses, her eyes were violet and her lips were pink. She was wearing a mini purple-collared dress with a black long-sleeved shirt underneath. Her dress had a bright purple brooch. She wore brown nylon pantyhose and a pair of black ballet-looking shoes with ankle boots. Over her clothes, she wore a small black hooded cloak which also has a gem on it, that hides her hands.

           She looks down at the scenery with the couple and the ghoul, "It looks like we have trouble lying ahead of us." A young man at the age of 18 walks on the left beside her. "What the hell are people doin' out this time of night anyway," he said sarcastically. On the right side of the girl stood another young man who is the twin of the one on her left, "Aw man! That thing looks so creepy!" He stated with a smile on his face.

          The twins looked very alike. Both had the same hair, same eye color, and the same clothes. Their hair is naturally black. They both wore a jean bomber jacket. Both of them had on a plain undershirt, one on the left had a dark red shirt and the other on the right had a dark blue shirt. They both wore black jeans and black shoes with colored stripes on the sides, the same color as their shirts.

           "Boys," the girl spoke, "I believe this is our cue." The twins gave a serious look, "Right!" The trio leaped from the building and landed in front of the couple on their feet. The couple widened their eyes at the sudden appearance. The girl turned her head to looked at them with the corner of her eye and gave a small smile, "No need to be worried, you'll be safe. Just leave it to us."

         The girl turned back around and signaled the twins, "Boys?" The twins stared at each other with a smirk and gave a nod. They jumped and transformed into shiny silver twin swords with oval gems on the handles. Just like their clothes, one of them was red and one was blue. The swords dropped and the girl caught the swords. The man and the woman looked at the girl in shock embracing each other. The man spoke up "Who are you kids?"

            The girl kept her eyes on the monster and shouted, "No need for you to worry about that at the moment, flee at once!" The couple obeyed her command and ran past her and the ghoul quickly. The ghoul turned and was about to go after them, but the girl zipped right in front of it before it could do so. She glared at the ghoul "They are no longer your concern, you are to deal with me now." She twirled her swords and made a pose. "I am Eve Ballard, and with the aid of my brothers, Joseph and Joshua, we will take your soul!" The ghoul roared and charged at Eve. Eve jumped, flipped over the monster, and landed behind it. The ghoul turned around and charged at Eve with his claws. She blocked its hand with her sword and used the other to slice the ghoul's eyes. The ghoul screamed in pain and covered his bleeding eyes.

          Eve decided to tease the ghoul and smirked, "Oh no," she says sarcastically, "You poor thing, I've sliced your eyes. Now you're not able to see me. Whatever will you do?" The ghoul grew angry and roared. The ghoul starts growing blades on his back and his claws grew bigger. Then the ghoul itself starts to grow a bit bigger and he roars again. Joshua looks appalled at the ghoul's features "Hey sis, I think you made it angry."

          Joseph, like Joshua, is appalled by the ghoul, "Just what in the hell is that thing?" Eve struggled a bit, "We have no time to figure that out, just focus you two." The ghoul jumped and charged at Eve with his claws ready to attack. Eve zipped underneath the monster on the other side of the alleyway before it hit the ground. The ghoul turned around about to attack Eve, but she was able to throw the sword at it before it was able to. The sword stabbed through the ghoul's chest weakening the ghoul and Eve ran towards it with her other sword and sliced the ghoul in half. Defeated by Eve's attack, the ghoul turned into the red floating soul. Eve used Joseph to suck the red soul inside the blue jewel on the handle of the sword. She walked to Joshua and picked him up.

            Eve huffed and puffed, "Well then, I believe our job is done." She throws Joseph and Joshua behind her and they turned back into their human form. Joshua stretched "Hah! That monster was so easy. We beat him in less than a minute." Joseph put his hands in his pockets "For a monster with blades stickin' from its back, it was weak as hell," he commented while smirking.

            Eve turned around to look at the boys with a smile, "I'm really proud of both of you. You are as stronger as ever, despite your laziness." The twins smiled and thanked Eve aside from the lazy part, "Thanks, sis."

          The three siblings walk on the streets towards the Chupa Cabra's Bar and stop there to get their ride home. Eve pulled out her phone to contact her mother, "Hello, mother.....yes, that kishin is taken care of. We're done for the night. .......Chupa Cabra's Bar......yes, thank you Mother." she hung up her phone. "Mother says she'll get the driver to pick us up." They stand there in front of the bar for a few minutes quiet.

         Joshua broke the silence "So guys, do really think that Lord Death guy gonna let us in that academy school?" Eve kept a straight face with her eyes closed, "He should. I mean, after all, our mother had signed us in. I'm sure we're well qualified. "To be for real, I'm looking forward to it," Joseph said while smirking.

Eve looked up at the stars and smiled, " am I."

Authors Note

Hello guys! So there is my prologue. If you read it I hope you enjoyed it! Since this is just a prologue, the first chapter is were the real adventure begins. I'll be doing the first chapter pretty soon but not to long, hopefully. Until next time guys. Later!

The Symmetrical Organized Trio (Currently Revamping)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin