Chapter 5

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Eve's POV

           My brothers and I were called into the death room by Lord Death. We walked in through the hallways and it was very quiet and nobody was in sight since everybody was still participating in class learning whatever it they're learning. Joshua had his hands behind his head with a tired look on his face. He stayed up all night playing video games last night, even though he knew we had school today. I told Joseph to tell Joshua to go to bed, but knowing how slothful he is, he probably didn't even try. I would've stopped Joshua, but I'd prefer to let him see the consequences of not going to sleep on a school night. Instead, I scolded Joseph on not trying to get Joshua to go to bed this morning.

        We arrived at the door of the Death room and we walked inside. We stopped in front of Lord Death who was bouncing in front of us making jazz hands, "Hi! Hello! How are you? Good to see ya! Thanks for coming!" The three of us waved at Lord Death and said, "Good morning Lord Death." We also see a red-haired man standing beside Lord Death. He wears a basic black suit blazer, black dress slacks, an olive green button-down shirt in which remains tucked in, a black leather belt with a silver buckle and dress shoes. I heard that he was a substitute instructor and Professor Stein's weapon partner. He is also the father of Maka. I heard that their relationship was quite...unstable, sadly. I smiled and greeted him, "Good morning Mr. Albarn." He smiled and waved at me, "Good morning." I turned to Lord Death.

"Sid said that there was something you wish to discuss with us about," I said with a straight face. "And right you would be, Eve." Lord Death says, "My reason for this is to test you all on your resonance."

"Our Resonance? You would like for us to perform it for you?" I asked.

"Yes, but I would also like for you to use it during your mission."

"A mission? Did you assign one for us or something," asked Joshua. "And right now?" asked Joshua

"That's right," He asserted, "I've already assigned a mission that would be perfect for all of you." The three of us looked at Lord Death in interest. "That's awesome! What's the mission." Joshua asked a little excited.

"Your mission will be placed in Europe, Rome. The monster whose soul you'll be taking will be the Goblin King. Do any of you happen to know who I'm talking about?"

       "Ah yes." I said, "I've read a part in a book about the Goblin King back in our mansion. He has a terrible and monstrous soul. A quite powerful one that. He has lived for over 50 years. Every month he would kill people to eat their souls for more power and it happens to be delicious to them. They would always get away with it too."

      "That's right. At some point, they might even come to Death city and take soul here too, and we can't let that happen now can we?" Lord Death said. I bowed at Lord Death and put my hand over my chest, "I can assure you, Lord Death, we will take care of this monster and make sure he doesn't lay a hand on any innocent soul."

          "What are you his butler now?" Joseph said in a sarcastic tone, referring to my position of bowing. Lord Death gave us a thumbs up, "I hope you three will succeed very successfully. Good luck!" He said as he waved goodbye to us and we left. This wasn't exactly the first time we captured a soul, so I wasn't that excited and neither was Joseph. Except for Joshua, he was pretty hyped up. Since we're going to Europe, I should probably ask our mother if she could pick us up early and if we could use the private jet to get us there.

            It was lunchtime, so the twins and I walked to the cafeteria to get something to eat. As we walked inside, the cafeteria was already packed with students. Most students were in a long line getting their food, some were already at the tables with their lunches, some students weren't all that hungry and just sat around the cafeteria. All of the students were just talking to one another as they get their lunches. My siblings and I walked towards the end of the line so that we can get our food. Joseph and Joshua groaned frustratingly at the fact that we have to remain in the line.

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