Chapter 3

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Hey you guys!! I'm sorry for not updating a chapter during the last 2 weeks, I was out on vacation with my family in Dallas. Not only that, we were celebrating Easter. No worries, I'm back to doing my chapters, and no matter how busy I am, I'm still going to finish my story. Plz, favorite and comment on my chapter. OK, here u go!

          Piper and Darcelle were in Dr. Frankstein's classroom during break time along with some other students. Piper was reading the Helen Keller book that Eve gave her. It looks like she was curious about that woman. Darcelle, sitting on the left side of Piper, groaned and looked rather bored, having the side of her head laying on her right hand with her golden eyes droopy and baggy. Piper hears Darcelle's groan and looked up from the book. She looked concerned for Darcelle, "Is there something wrong Darcy? You don't look so good." Darcy yawned and dropped her head on the desk. Piper put her hand on Darcelle's right shoulder.

        "Not really. Last night, my little psychotic brother kept me up all night with nonsense, I was barely able to sleep. Somehow I think he has ADHD." Piper looked bewildered when she heard "brother". Darcelle continued to speak, "He was laughing, screaming, and running around all over my room. I had to listen to loud music to ignore him, but even that didn't help."

"You have a brother?" Piper asked.

        "Yeah, four of them, and they were all a pain in my neck. Except for one of them, we agree on most things." Darcelle rubbed her eyes and yawned again. "Then again, when you're the only sister in the house, it's not that easy." Piper wouldn't know what it was like having a brother or a sister since she is the only child in her family. If she were to have a sibling, she would love and care for him/her. Though she could never imagine siblings not getting along with each other or hating each other. So she asked Darcy, "Do you hate them?" Hate is a really strong word, Piper knows that. She would think that hating on a relative or close friend would be....wrong. Darcelle looked at Piper and replied, "No, of course not. I love them to death. Still, sometimes they just want to make me put them in a hospital, but we care about each other and will always protect one another. Since I'm the only sister, they mostly protect me."

      Piper looked back at her book. Darcelle looked back at Piper for a moment and wondered something. "Hey, Piper?" Piper looked up from her book and over to Darcelle, "Yes?"

      "Are you planning on finding a weapon?" Piper wasn't expecting Darcelle to ask her that, "W-Why do you ask?"

       "Well you've only been in school for two weeks, so aren't you gonna ask anyone to partner up with you?" Piper looked down at her hands were locked together and she blushed, "Well...I mean....umm...." she stayed silent for a moment. Darcelle looked demented at her, "What is she getting shy for?"

         "Since I'm staying in the DWMA, I guess I should find somebody to partner up with, but I don't know who. I hardly know anybody here." Piper realized that Darcelle doesn't have a meister, "What about you, Darcy?"

        Darcelle figured Piper would ask her that. Ever since she got into the academy, she hasn't found anybody to partner up with herself. Mostly because almost every student in the academy already had partners. If she were to choose anyone to be her partner, he/she would have to be somebody that she can trust or someone that she likes. There was Blackstar, but he already has Tsubaki. Plus after seeing that battle he had with Kid, there was no way he would be able to use a scythe. Almost like what he did with Soul. However, there is this one person Darcelle had in mind, "Actually there is one person I'm thinking about asking to be my partner."

Piper looked astonished and smiled at Darcelle, "Oh really, who is it?" Darcelle grinned, looking over Piper mischievously, and chuckled, "Wouldn't you like to know."

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