Out of this

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I gasped and blinked several times before breathing in and out slowly. Tom and I kissed? Happiness swelled up inside me for a few moments before I remembered the convosation Dumbledore and my former self just had... Tom Riddle killed my parents... He wasn't the nice boy anymore... But he hadn't killed my parents yet... Maybe this is why I was sent back to the past... To change him?

I looked back to Dumbleore and myself... Man it's weird to say that! But when I turned round my former self had vanished. Where did she- I- go?

Dumbledore stood up with a sad smile . "Good luck" he whispered to the air. He walked a couple of paces forward and stopped and listened. "Severus... No point in snooping. Please do enter."

The door opened slowly and in walked a man dressed in black with really greasy hair. Does he know what shampoo is?

"She comes back." Severus' voice wobbled. "You promise me she comes back!"

Dumbledore shook his head. "A time turner has only been made to go back in time. She isn't coming back"

Severus turned his face away from Dumbledore and me maybe because he was crying.

"Excuse me." He mumbled as he made his way to the door to escape the headmaster's office.

"Severus, don't you dare turn your back on me!" Dumbledore's voice became slightly enraged but still had the same calm element to it that made you terrified even though he didn't sound harsh.

Severus halted abruptly in his tracks but didn't face Dumbledore. "I swore to keep her daughter safe, Albus."

Albus? Oh right, Dumbledore! Thought that was an odd first name... Though Albus is still odd... Where do these magic folk come up with such dreadful names?

"She looks like her. She sounds like her. She-" Severus stopped mid sentence and hung his head low. "They are of no importance to me. I have a class to teach. Good day to you." With that he marched out of the room, leaving Dumble- Albus- Dumbledore? The headmaster bemused.

So why had he made me come back here? What was there here he couldn't have put in the letter?

Before I could try to answer my own questions suddenly the world shifted and I landed in a dark room. I couldn't see... Anything. Was this part of his memory?Nothingness?

I heard a baby crying- no two babies! Where was the sound coming from?

A light from the tip of- a wand? I think... Yes! - lit up the room and I saw a flash of red hair from the woman holding the wand. The woman knelt down and whispered to them. "Mumma loves you. Dadda loves you." were the only words audible to me. What was going on? This place was all too familiar.

The door banged open and a dark figure in a hooded black robe stepped in pointing his or her wand at the woman.

"Step out of the way silly girl." He whispered in a cold voice that made my spine shiver and tingle.

"No not my children! Not Harry! Not Katherine! Please!"

"Move aside!"

"No! Take me! Kill me instead!"

There was a burning flash of green light and my head shot out of the liquid in the pensieve.

Time Switch (Tom Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now